Any person owning or having charge of land within the municipality shall keep the property free and clear of all grass overgrowth, noxious weeds and rank vegetation, and shall be required to cut all grass, weeds and rank vegetation on the land owned or controlled by him or her at least 6 times in every year; once between April 1 and May 1; once between May 1 and June 1; once between June 1 and July 1; once between July 1 and August 1; once between August 1 and September 1; and once between September 1 and October 1.  In no case shall the person having charge of said lands allow grass and weeds to exceed a height of 10 inches.  For the purposes of this regulation, grass overgrowth shall be defined as grassy vegetation exceeding 10 inches in height, excepting cultivated ornamental grasses in garden areas, managed natural landscaped areas, and cultivated agricultural crops in farm fields.  Grass and weeds in uncultivated gardens or fallow fields shall not be excepted.
(1974 Code, § 94.17)  (Ord. 39-73, passed 10-1-1973; Am. Ord. 14-81, passed 5-4-1981; Am. Ord. 21-91, passed 5-20-1991; Am. Ord. 13-00, passed 5-15-2000; Am. Ord. 20-12, passed 7-16-2012)