(A)   The Miami County Emergency Management Executive Committee shall consist of at least the following 7 members: 1 County Commissioner representing the Board of County Commissioners entering the agreement; 5 chief executives representing the municipal corporations and townships entering into the agreement; and 1 non-elected representative. The Miami County Emergency Management agreement shall specify how many additional members, if any, shall serve on the executive committee and their manner of selection.
   (B)   The Executive Committee shall select its own Chairman, and attendance of any 3 members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman or upon request of the Emergency Management Director. The Executive Committee shall prepare a budget for each year under rules and regulations it prescribes, including in such rules and regulations provisions for a hearing from the participating political subdivisions, and for adjustments to be made to such budget. The funds provided for in the budget and all other funds received from whatever source, or by whatever means, for emergency management by the Miami County Emergency Management Agency, shall be paid to the County Treasurer in a special fund and shall be known as the “Miami County Emergency Management Fund”.
   (C)   The executive committee shall have general direction of the Miami County Emergency Management Agency, and shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of the agreement through the Civil Emergency Management Director. In performing duties pursuant to the agreement, the Emergency Management Director, with the approval of the Executive Committee, is authorized to participate in federal programs, accept grants from, and enter into cooperative agreements or contractual arrangements with any federal, state or local department, agency or subdivision thereof, or any other person or body politic. Whenever the duties of the Emergency Management Agency overlap with rights or duties of other federal, state, or local departments, agencies, subdivisions, or officials or private agencies, the Executive Director shall cooperate with, and not infringe upon the rights and duties of, the other public or private entities.
   (D)   Funds made available by the United States for the use of the Emergency Management Agency shall be expended by that agency only for the purposes for which the funds were appropriated. In accepting federal funds, the Emergency Management Agency shall abide by the terms and conditions of the grant, cooperative agreement, or contractual arrangement and shall expend the funds in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States.
(Ord. 11-06, passed 3-20-2006)
Statutory reference:
   Emergency management agency established; cooperation with other agencies; use of federal funds, see R.C. § 5502.22
   Countywide Emergency Management Agency, see R.C. § 5502.26