(A)   Any chapter, section, or division amended or added to this code by ordinances passed subsequent to the adoption of this code may be numbered in accordance with the numbering system of this code and need not be inserted in this code, but shall be treated as if printed for inclusion herein.
   (B)   The following language should be used by the municipality to amend, add, or repeal a chapter, section, or division:
      (1)   To amend a section: “Section           of the Municipal Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows: . . . .”
      (2)   To add a section: “Section               of the Municipal Code of Ordinances, which is to be added to and amends the Municipal Code of Ordinances, reads as follows: . . . .”
      (3)   To repeal a section: “Section           of the Municipal Code of Ordinances, which reads as follows, is repealed: . . . .”