(A)   Personnel shall be paid in accordance with the salary schedule adopted by City Council.
      (1)   A merit increase refers to the horizontal movement within a pay range.  It represents an increase in pay within the same pay range.
      (2)   A promotion is considered as an advancement from one pay range to a higher pay range within a change in job class.  A promotion represents a vertical movement along the matrix.
      (3)   Any hourly employee covered by this chapter will normally be hired at the range minimum, but may be hired at a higher rate at the discretion of the City Manager.  Employees hired may be granted a merit increase at the end of six months of satisfactory service. Subsequent increases may be considered only after the completion of 12 months of satisfactory service in a given step.
   (B)   A salaried employee entering the municipal service shall be evaluated for a period of three months, after which time an evaluation of his or her work performance will be made.  Increases in pay for salaried employees will be at levels as determined by the City Manager up to the maximum rate in the compensation schedule.  The City Manager shall establish goals and objectives for all salaried employees, and their success in achieving these goals and objectives will form the basis for any pay increase. The City Manager shall evaluate all salaried employees as a group at least once each calendar year, and at his or her discretion provide for any advancements in pay.
   (C)   When the City Manager feels that an employee's performance has not been satisfactory and denies a step increase, that step increase may be granted at any time thereafter and will not necessarily delay any subsequent step increase.
   (D)   An employee promoted from one class to another in a higher pay range shall enter the new job classification at the first step above his or her former pay step for a one-year period.
   (E)   Records clerks scheduled to work second shift where the majority of the hours are between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. shall be paid a shift differential of $.30 per hour.
   (F)    The City Manager may “rehire” retired management employees who have met the age and service requirements of their respective retirement system. Employees so “rehired” shall have all accrued unused paid leave balances (e.g. sick leave, vacation, personal time) carried forward to the new rehire date. Said balances may be used by the employee after re-hire and the employee may convert those balances at final retirement in accordance with the relevant provisions of this chapter. The rate of pay to be offered within the position pay range shall be negotiated by the City Manager but in no case shall said salary exceed the rate at retirement. Employees who are rehired by the City Manager shall not be eligible for cost-of- living or “merit” increases, but in no case shall they earn less than the position range minimum.  It shall be the sole discretion of the City Manager as to which management employees are offered to be rehired and nothing within this chapter shall be construed as providing any promise or right to any employee of such rehire. Said rehired employees shall be deemed “at will” employees of the city, serving at the pleasure of the City Manager.
(1974 Code, § 37.29)  (Ord. 12-94, passed 5-16-1994; Am. Ord. 07-02, passed 3-4-2002; Am. Ord. 38-08, passed 10-6-2008; Am. Ord. 08-10, passed 4-19-2010; Am. Ord. 4-11, passed 1-17- 2011; Am. Ord. 6-12, passed 3-19-2012; Am. Ord. 40-15, passed 10-5-2015; Am. Ord. 19-18, passed 7-16-2018)