(A)    Employees, whether full time, permanent part-time, part-time, seasonal, or salaried, shall work the times and days established by the city and/or assigned by the City Manager as normal working hours and days.  In the case of a department director, in some cases the hours assigned may not coincide with the normal working hours of other employees in the department.
   (B)   Hourly employees in active pay status covered by this chapter shall be eligible for overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week.  Overtime shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times the regular hourly rate, or the employee may request time off for each excess hour of time worked.  Active pay status includes all hours worked, vacation, sick leave, personal days, and holidays.  Active pay status does not include compensatory time, for purposes of calculating overtime, or during which an employee is on unpaid leave of absence, or while receiving payments from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation, or disability pay in lieu of pay from the city.
   (C)   Compensatory time off may be taken in lieu of monetary pay when requested by the employee, with the following provisions:
      (l)   Compensatory time shall be at the rate of one and one-half times their regular pay.
      (2)   Compensatory time may be accumulated to a maximum of 80 hours at any one time.
   (D)   Salaried employees are not eligible for overtime or compensatory time, but may be granted time off for excessive hours worked at the sole discretion of the City Manager, except as noted in division (E) and (F) below.
   (E)   Superintendents, foreman, and supervisors at the Water Treatment Plant are eligible for overtime pay during the week they perform call-in duties, as approved by the City Manager.
   (F)   The electrical superintendent and foreman shall be eligible for overtime pay when responding to mutual aid requests. Mutual aid overtime will be administered for those employees under the same terms as negotiated for the members of the electrical department.
(1974 Code, § 37.26)  (Ord. 12-94, passed 5-16-1994; Am. Ord. 07-02, passed 3-4-2002; Am. Ord. 09-05, passed 2-22-2005; Am. Ord. 36-09, passed 12-7-2009; Am. Ord. 40-15, passed 10-5-2015; Am. Ord. 19-18, passed 7-16-2018)