(A)    All new, full time, permanent part- time, and part-time employees shall be evaluated during the first six months of employment. A written evaluation after six months of employment will be used to determine if the employee has the attributes, capabilities, and attitude necessary for full time employment
   (B)   During the evaluation period a new employee shall have no seniority status and can be terminated, with or without cause, at the sole discretion of the City Manager.
   (C)   If an employee receives a promotion, demotion or transfer, a new evaluation period of six months will be served. The employee will receive a performance review at the end of six months, which will determine if the evaluation period should be terminated or extended. If the evaluation period is extended, the City Manager shall determine how long of an extension shall be granted. Upon the successful completion of the evaluation period, the employee shall be added to the Department's seniority list as of the hire date. During the evaluation period, an employee shall accrue benefits. However, the employee will not be able to use vacation leave accrued until the end of the evaluation period. The employee's original date of hire with the city is not affected by promotion, demotion, or transfer.
   (D)   If, after a promotion, demotion, or transfer, it becomes apparent to management during the evaluation period that the employee does not have the skills and ability to successfully perform the responsibilities of the new position, the employee will
be removed from the new position and will be returned to the employee's previous position, or an equivalent position, if available. If neither such position is available, the employee will be terminated.
   (E)   An employee shall not be eligible for promotion to any other position until they have completed their evaluation period.
(1974 Code, § 37.13)  (Ord. 12-94, passed 5-16-1994; Am. Ord. 07-02, passed 3-4-2002; Am. Ord. 09-05, passed 2-22-2005; Am. Ord. 40-15, passed 10-5-2015; Am. Ord. 19-18, passed 7-16-2018)