Executive session may only be held at a regular or special meeting, and shall be limited to its own membership and others as provided by § 31.10 herein, and shall be for the sole purpose of considering any of the following subjects:
(A) Personnel matters.
(B) Investigation of charges or complaints against public employees, officials and the like. If an individual, under investigation, requests an open meeting, then Council is required to open the meeting to the public.
(C) Purchase or sale of public property.
(D) Conference with attorneys for disputes that are subject to pending or imminent court action.
(E) Matters required to be kept confidential by federal or state laws.
(F) Security arrangements if details disclosed could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution, for the violation of a law.
(1) Final action thereon shall not be taken by the Council until the matter is placed on the agenda.
(2) General subject matter for consideration shall be expressed in motion for such a meeting.
(G) Matters involving economic development.
(H) Any other matter authorized for executive session pursuant to R.C. § 121.22(G).
(Ord. 1-93, passed 1-4-1993; Am. Ord. 06-02, passed 2-19-2002; Am. Ord. 47-15, passed 11-16-2015)