(A) The proposed agenda shall be prepared and distributed by the Clerk of Council or the City Manager in consultation with the Clerk of Council on or before Friday preceding Council meeting night. Additional copies will be available at Council meetings.
(B) Any proposed legislation, or other matter, which is to be placed on the agenda for action by Council, shall be presented to the Clerk of Council or City Manager no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday preceding the meeting. To add any proposed legislation, or other matter to the agenda after 12:00 noon on Thursday preceding the meeting, the agenda shall be amended to add the item at the Council meeting. Any member of Council may add anything to the agenda prior to or during the meeting by making a motion to amend the agenda to add an item or make any other change. All agenda amendments must be made prior to Council’s approval of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. The agenda shall be amended and the matter considered by the Council if the motion to amend has been approved by four yes votes of Council. After a motion to amend the agenda is proposed, and seconded, there shall be a separate roll call on the matter to be added to the agenda. If the proposed motion is approved Council shall then vote to approve the agenda as amended.
(C) Rules of Council shall be adopted by ordinance and will be in full force and effect until repealed and/or amended by Council.
(Ord. 1-93, passed 1-4-1993; Am. Ord. 06-02, passed 2-19-2002; Am. Ord. 47-15, passed 11-16-2015)