The following shall be exempt from this chapter:
(A) The city's fire, police, department of transportation or other public service facilities owned and operated by the local government.
(B) Any facilities expressly exempt from the city's siting, building and permitting authority.
(C) Over-the-air reception devices, including the reception antennas for direct broadcast satellites (DBS), multi-channel multi-point distribution (wireless cable) providers (MMDS), television broadcast stations (TVBS) and other customer-end antennas that receive and transmit fixed wireless signals that are primarily used for reception.
(D) Facilities exclusively for private, noncommercial radio and television reception and private citizen's bands, licensed amateur radio and other similar noncommercial telecommunications. See § 154.06(A) for requirements.
(E) Facilities exclusively for providing unlicensed spread spectrum technologies (such as IEEE 802.11a, b, g (Wi-Fi) and Bluetooth) where the facility does not require a new tower.
(Ord. 06-05, passed 2-22-2005)