The purpose of this appendix is to provide illustrative examples of platting information. These examples and the information provided as examples are not to be construed as standards or requirements of these regulations.
Minor Subdivision
   Figure A: The above is an example of a survey that can be submitted as a minor subdivision conveyance.
Preapplication Submission - Major Subdivision
   Figure B: Above are 2  examples of preliminary concept maps of subdivisions that illustrate the basic information that should be presented as part of any preapplication meeting with staff or the Planning Board.
Preliminary Plat - Major Subdivision
   Figure C: This is an example of a preliminary plat that must be reviewed by the Planning Board prior to proceeding with any improvements or recordation of a final plat.
Final Plat - Major Subdivision
   Figure D: This is an example of a final plat that has been recorded in Miami County.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-14-2014)