(1)   General Requirements for Utilities and Underground Facilities
      (a)   All electric, cable, fiber optic, and telephone lines and other utilities shall be located underground, and shall be placed in their own easement (see 0) unless otherwise required by the city.
      (b)   The conduits or cables shall be located within easements or public right-of-ways in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services.
      (c)   Where cable, television, fiber optic, internet, or similar services and transmission lines are to be installed, the applicant shall install such conduit or transmission lines for such service simultaneously with and in the same manner as electric and telephone cables are installed, both within the right-of-way and to individual building connections.
      (d)   All sewer and utility pipelines shall preferably be placed outside the limits of the pavement.  All excavations for public utilities made under paved areas shall be properly backfilled with approved granular materials thoroughly compacted in place and subject to approval by the City Engineer.
   (2)   Sanitary Sewer
      (a)   The subdivider shall construct a sanitary sewage collection system designed to adequately serve all lots in the applicable subdivision, plus lines adequate in size to facilitate the orderly development of nearby land which is an integral part of the neighborhood service and drainage area, and connect said collection system to the public sewerage system. See also § 155.04(D).
      (b)   Sanitary sewerage systems shall be designed utilizing the following criteria and standards:
         (i)   The Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards;
         (ii)   Chapter 50 of the Tipp City Codified Ordinances; and
         (iii)   The most recent edition of the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities as developed by the Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board (a.k.a. 10 State Standards) and adopted herein by reference.
      (c)   New individual on-site, sanitary disposal systems are prohibited within the corporate limits unless approved by the City Utilities Director, and may only be permitted under the following criteria:
         (i)   The systems shall only be permitted in areas with a minimum lot area of 1.5 acres or larger, with the approval of the city and Miami County Public Health. Both the city and/or Miami County Public Health may prohibit on-site sanitary disposal systems or require larger lots than established in the zoning code based on the criteria below:
            A.   The suitability of the soil for individual systems;
            B.   The absorptive ability of the soil;
            C.   Surface drainage;
            D.   Groundwater level;
            E.   Topography; and
            F.   Other criteria as may be established for such systems by the Miami County Public Health and the Ohio Department of Health.
   (3)   Water System
      (a)   The subdivider shall construct a complete water distribution system which shall adequately serve all lots within the proposed subdivision, plus lines adequate in size to facilitate the orderly development of nearby land which is an integral part of the neighborhood service area and distribution needs. The water distribution system shall include appropriately spaced fire hydrants, valves, and other appurtenances necessary.
      (b)   Water distribution systems shall be designed utilizing the following criteria and standards:
         (i)   The Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards;
         (ii)   Chapter 50 of the Tipp City Codified Ordinances;
         (iii)   Any requirements of the Ohio Department of Health as cited in the Ohio Revised Code; and
         (iv)   The most recent edition of the Recommended Standards for Water Works as developed by the Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board (a.k.a. 10 State Standards) and adopted herein by reference.
   (4)   Electric, Telephone, Cable, and Fiber Optic
      (a)   All electric, telephone, cable, fiber optic, and similar transmission lines shall be located underground to the maximum extent feasible.
      (b)   Such transmission lines shall be designed and installed in compliance with the applicable standards of these regulations and the authority having jurisdiction.
   (5)   Storm Water
   See § 155.04(K) for specific requirements regarding storm water control.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)