(1) Specifications for Required Improvements
(a) All required public improvements shall be constructed or installed to conform to the specifications contained within the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards as administered by the City Engineer.
(b) All improvement drawings shall be prepared, signed, and sealed by a civil engineer registered in the State of Ohio and installed by the subdivider in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and other regulations of the city and state.
(2) Timing of Improvements
(a) The subdivider shall not proceed with any construction work for a street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main (including grading thereof), or any other facilities in connection therewith until he or she has obtained conditional approval or final approval of their final plat by the Planning Board.
(b) All public improvements shall be installed before the final plat is approved or the subdivider shall be required to provide a financial guarantee in accordance with § 155.04(E). Such guarantee would secure to the city the actual construction, installation, and initial maintenance of such public improvements within a time required by the construction agreement and according to the approved improvement drawings.
(3) Schedule of Construction and Sale of Lots
No lot, tract, or parcel in a subdivision may be sold; no permit to erect, alter, or repair any building on land in a subdivision may be issued; and no building may be erected in a subdivision unless a final plat has been approved by the Planning Board and recorded with the Miami County Clerk, and until the following construction and public improvements have been completed and/or installed except for electric, communication line, and natural gas:
(a) All sanitary sewer facilities installed, tested, inverts certified and approved including but not limited to the following:
(i) Sanitary main completed;
(ii) Sanitary sewer laterals completed;
(iii) Air pressure test prior to base course of asphalt being installed;
(iv) Mandrel pulled prior to the installation of the base course of asphalt;
(v) Manholes shall be vacuumed, the sanitary lines flushed and televised prior to the installation of the base course of asphalt;
(vi) Sanitary grade certification received;
(vii) Any and all other sanitary sewer public improvements included in and required by the approved improvement drawings and recorded final plat of the subdivision.
(b) All water facilities installed, pressure and purity tested and approved including but not limited to:
(i) Water main completed;
(ii) Water services completed;
(iii) Water pressure test prior to the base course of asphalt being installed;
(iv) Chlorine residual test;
(v) Purification test Numbers 1 and 2;
(vi) Fire hydrants drained with valves left open;
(vii) Any and all water facilities required and included in and required by the approved improvement drawings and recorded final plat of the subdivision.
(c) All storm sewer and detention facilities installed and approved including but not limited to:
(i) Storm sewer main completed;
(ii) Storm sewer catch basins and manholes completed;
(iii) Detention basins completed;
(iv) Detention basins certified;
(v) Any and all other storm sewer and detention facilities included in and required by the approval construction drawings and recorded final plat of the subdivision.
(d) All roadway facilities installed and improved including but not limited to:
(i) Sub-grade checked;
(ii) Base gravel installed;
(iii) Compaction and curb grade checked;
(iv) Curb and gutter completed;
(v) Base asphalt completed after the water and sanitary sewer line installation has been approved. City Engineer may waive this requirement based upon the closing date of the asphalt plant. City shall not be responsible for any defects in the infrastructure that fail to pass inspection and/or certification.
(e) All other items listed on the approved improvement drawings;
(i) All traffic-control devices, including stop signs, end barricades and street signs.
(ii) All sediment and erosion control devices in place;
(iii) Certification that the grading plan is complied with;
(iv) All iron pins set;
(v) Any and all off-site easements received;
(vi) Any and all other public improvements included in and required by the approved improvement drawings and recorded final plat of the subdivision.
(4) Protection of Streets, Utilities, and Other Installations
(a) The subdivider shall provide the City Engineer with a plan for the routing of construction equipment and traffic with the objective of alleviating any need to traverse adjacent off-site residential streets. In exceptional cases, where no reasonable alternative exists or can be provided, construction equipment may be permitted the use of collector streets for a predetermined time period. The contractor shall be permitted to operate only pneumatic-tired equipment over any paved street surfaces and shall be responsible for correction of any damage to street surfaces in any manner resulting from the contractor's operation. During the period of use, such streets shall be kept reasonably free of debris, based on periodic inspections by the city and in accordance with approved sedimentation and erosion control measures.
(b) The subdivider and their contractors shall protect the pavement against all damage prior to final acceptance of the work including damage created by the contractor's construction equipment and vehicles, as well as general traffic. As soon as curing and sealing are completed, the contractor shall clean the pavement free of all debris and construction equipment.
(c) The subdivider and their contractors shall at all times take proper precautions for the protection of utility lines, the presence of which can be determined by contacting the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS). The subdivider shall be financially responsible for the repair of any damage to such utility lines.
(d) The subdivider and their contractors shall at all times take proper precautions for the protection of and replacement or restoration of driveway culverts, street intersections, culverts, field tiles, aprons, mailboxes, driveway approaches, and all other public and private installations that may be encountered during construction. Written approval for complete replacement or restoration work may be required by the City Engineer and/or City Utilities Director. Any damage done to the public improvements by construction traffic, local traffic, or by any other means shall be repaired or the damaged materials replaced before the next item of construction is begun.
(5) Planting Screens or Fences
(a) The city may require planting screens, fences, earthen mounds, or masonry walls to screen large utility structures or other appurtenances related to the public improvements, provided that such planting screens, fences, or walls shall not constitute a safety hazard.
(b) Such screening shall comply with any applicable requirements of the zoning code.
(c) A plan of proposed planting screens, fences, or walls shall be submitted for approval with the improvement drawings.
(6) Construction Inspection
(a) Periodic inspections during the installation of public improvements shall be made by the city to ensure conformity with the approved plans and specifications as required by these regulations. The subdivider shall notify proper administrative officials at least 24 hours before each phase of the public improvements is ready for inspection.
(b) Inspectors employed by the city shall be authorized to inspect all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the preparation, fabrication, or manufacture of the materials to be used.
(c) The city's inspector shall not be authorized to revoke, alter, or waive any requirements of the specifications or plans. They shall be authorized to call the attention of the contractor to any failure of the work or materials to conform to the specifications and contract. They shall have the authority to reject materials which do not meet specification requirements or suspend the portion of the work involved until any question at issue can be referred to and decided by the City Engineer.
(d) On completion of all the public improvements, the subdivider shall request, in writing, a final inspection by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall make a final inspection of streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, and other public improvements required in these regulations.
(7) Construction Responsibilities
(a) The subdivider shall have a competent superintendent acting as the agent for the project that shall have available at all times, a minimum of 2 copies of all approved plans and specifications. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing the City Engineer with the superintendent's name and applicable 24-hour contact information prior to commencement with any construction.
(b) The subdivider's and/or contractor's superintendent shall be capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the plans and specifications and shall always be present regardless of the amount of work sublet.
(c) The contractor shall notify staff and the inspectors at least 24 hours prior to the time when the work is to begin on each phase of construction, or stoppage of work that last longer than 5 business days, including earthwork, utilities, street paving, sidewalk, and all applicable testing.
(8) Stationings
Pavement and utility grade stakes shall be set at intervals of 25, 50, or 100 feet, depending on the regularity of the ground surface and the accuracy required, to determine the elevation of the ground surface at each of these points. The City Engineer, may ask for additional grade stakes if it is deemed necessary.
(9) Maintenance of Improvements
(a) The subdivider shall be responsible for the maintenance of the public improvements installed and shall be responsible for providing the services necessary to guarantee access to all the occupied lots, including plowing snow, until expiration of the maintenance period.
(b) The subdivider shall be given adequate and appropriate notice by the city of the need for said maintenance or service.
(c) If the subdivider fails to perform such necessary maintenance or service within an appropriate time, the city may perform said service, and bill the subdivider for said service. Payment shall be guaranteed in accordance with § 155.04(E)
(10) Final Clean-Up
On completion of the work and prior to acceptance by the city, the subdivider shall be responsible for cleaning up all ground occupied or affected by construction and installation of public improvements. The entire area shall be kept in a neat and presentable condition during the entire duration of the project, and left in a neat and presentable condition satisfactory to the city's inspector.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014; Am. Ord. 27-17, passed 11-20-17)