A nonconforming lot of record may be used in accordance with this section.
   (1)   Nonconforming Lots of Record in Residential Districts
      (a)   If an existing lot of record in a residential district is occupied by a dwelling that is not a nonconforming use, such dwelling shall be maintained and may be repaired, modernized or altered, provided that:
         (i)   The building shall not be enlarged in floor area unless the enlarged section complies with all regulations of this code, with the exception of the lot frontage and the lot width regulations.
         (ii)   The number of dwelling units shall not be increased unless in conformance with this code.
      (b)   In any residential district, a single-family dwelling and its customary accessory uses may be erected on a vacant single lot of record after the effective date of this code provided the structures comply with all other applicable standards of this code except for the minimum lot area and minimum frontage requirement. Any exception to this requirement must be sought through a variance or administrative waiver application.
   (2)   Nonconforming Lots of Record in Nonresidential Districts
   In any nonresidential district, a use that is permitted in the applicable district, and its customary accessory uses, may be erected on a vacant single vacant lot of record provided the buildings comply with the following:
      (a)   All buildings shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from any lot line that abuts a residential zoning district.
      (b)   A nonresidential use on a nonconforming lot of record shall be subject to all other applicable requirements of this code including, but not limited to Section 154.09: Landscaping Standards and Section 154.10: Parking, Access, and Mobility Standards.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)