The intent of this section is to establish the purpose statements and, where applicable, special regulations that apply to each base zoning district in Tipp City.
   (1)   R-1A - Suburban Residential District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the R-1A Suburban Residential District is to provide suitable areas for low-density single family residential development within areas generally located within around the peripheral edges of the city. This district is further intended to function as a transitional area between the areas of urban density development near downtown and the rural areas outside of the city.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the R-1A District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (2)   R-1B - Neighborhood Residential District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the R-1B Neighborhood Residential District is to provide for moderate-density single family residential development throughout the city. The district is intended to be in proximity to similarly dense development including commercial services that provide convenience to the residents of the developments.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the R-1B District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (3)   R-1C - Urban Residential District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the R-1C Urban Residential District is to provide for moderate to high-density single family residential development, generally located in the central areas of the city.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the R-1C District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (4)   R-2 - Two-Family Residential District
      (a)   Purpose
   This purpose of the R-2 Two-Family Residential District is to provide for areas of the city where a mixture of single family and two-family dwellings is appropriate within a single neighborhood. This district is generally located in the older neighborhoods of the city but may also serve as a land use transition between lower density residential uses and higher intensity uses such as office and commercial uses.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the R-2 District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (5)   R-3 - Multi-Family Residential District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the R-3 Multi-Family Residential District is to provide for areas of multi-family residential development through the city. This district may be located within all areas of the city but should be sited in areas of good access to the transportation network. This district may also serve as a land use transition between lower density residential uses and higher intensity uses such as office and commercial uses.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the R-3 District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (6)   OS - Office Service District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of this district is to provide for areas of low-intensity office and non-retail commercial uses that support community needs within small-scale developments that often have a residential character. This district may also serve as a land use transition between residential uses and higher intensity uses such as commercial uses and high volume streets.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the OS District are established in § 154.04(H).
      (c)   Enclosed Activities
   All activities related to the principal use, with the exception of parking and loading, shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Outdoor displays, sales, and storage may only be permitted as part of an approved accessory or temporary use (See Section 154.06: Accessory and Temporary Use Regulations).
   (7)   GB - General Business District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the GB General Business District is to provide for areas of the city that will contain a wide variety of commercial and office uses to meet the needs of the city and region.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the GB District are established in § 154.04(H).
      (c)   Enclosed Activities
   All activities related to the principal use, with the exception of parking and loading, shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Outdoor displays, sales, and storage may only be permitted as part of an approved accessory or temporary use (see Section 154.06: Accessory and Temporary Use Regulations).
   (8)   HB - Highway Business District
      (a)   Purpose
   This district is intended to provide for intense commercial and office development in close proximity to the interstate and high volume thoroughfares that can provide needed goods and services to residents of the city, region, and beyond. Such district is most appropriately located adjacent to freeway interchanges and intersections of major thoroughfares.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the HB District are established in § 154.04(H).
      (c)   Enclosed Activities
   All activities related to the principal use, with the exception of parking and loading, shall take place within a completely enclosed building. Outdoor displays, sales, and storage may only be permitted as part of an approved accessory or temporary use (see Section 154.06: Accessory and Temporary Use Regulations).
   (9)   CC - Community Center District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the CC Community Center District is to provide for a somewhat restricted variety of retail stores, offices, and residential uses in a mixed use setting in downtown Tipp City. This district is intended to be a walkable neighborhood designed in a traditional manner of historic downtowns.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the CC District are established in § 154.04(H).
      (c)   Additional Review
   If the property is located in the RA District, the applicant shall first obtain any required certificate of approval in accordance with § 154.03(E) prior to submitting a site plan application.
   (10)   LI - Light Industrial District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the LI district is to provide areas for the development of industrial uses that have a minimum impact upon the surrounding environment. This district is primarily designed to accommodate the retention and expansion of existing industrial type uses which can be operated in a clean and quiet manner, subject only to those regulations and performance standards necessary to prohibit congestion and for the protection of adjacent residential and business activities.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the LI District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (11)   LD Legacy Development District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the LD Legacy Development District is to provide a mechanism that will transform an existing Industrial District and certain residential properties to a vibrant mixed-use business district that protects and serves the needs of adjacent residences and a variety of business interests including the existing industries. Existing single-family and industrial land use incompatibilities will be resolved as both uses are gradually replaced with small-scale, lower-intensity commercial uses or mixed-uses, although no attempt to hasten their transition will be made. In this regard, land uses and the pedestrian-oriented development pattern of the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods will permeate north and south into the LD District as the downtown grows.
      (b)   Development Standards
   In addition to other development standards that may apply in this code, the following development standards shall apply specifically to the LD District.
         (i)   Floor Area Requirements
            A.   The gross floor area of any new or expanded single structure shall not exceed 5,000 square feet on the first floor.
            B.   Additional building square footage is permitted in multi-story structures.
         (ii)   Building Architecture
            A.   Additions to existing structures should match the building materials and colors of the existing structures to the maximum extent possible.
            B.   Materials such as split, burnished, or smooth concrete masonry units, stucco, wood, or metal should be used only to accent the architectural character of the building.
            C.   All façades visible from the street should be glazed with transparent glass.
            D.   The ground level should be transparent with a minimum of 50% clear glass.
               1.   Upper floors should have a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 60% clear glass.
               2.   Butt-joint glazing is prohibited.
            E.   The roofs of mixed-use structures of 2 or more stories should be flat.
            F.   The roofs of new one-story structures should have a pitched roof.
            G.   Unusual roof forms such as mansards that do not already exist in the LD District should be avoided.
            H.   Decorative parapets shall be incorporated on any façade facing a public street when a flat roof is utilized.
            I.   Buildings that exceed 5,000 square feet should be designed to reflect the characteristic rhythm of historic façades with repetitive use and positioning of building materials that provide discrete bay appearances. The façade can be treated with breaks, indentations, or façade recesses or protrusions that help to break up the mass of the building.
            J.   Spacing of windows and doors, recesses and protrusions, columns and pilasters or other elements should be consistent with similar buildings in the immediate area.
            K.   The proportions of a new building should be respectful of the overall proportions in the immediate vicinity. Building proportion is the relationship of width to height.
            L.   The size and proportion of window and door openings should be consistent with traditional multistory, mixed-use buildings similar to those on surrounding historic façades.
            M.   Façades should incorporate the traditional commercial building elements of storefront and upper façade.
      (c)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the LD District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (12)   GI - General Industrial District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the GI General Industrial District is to accommodate a broad range of industrial activities, diverse in products, operational techniques, and size which have a greater potential impact upon their environment than those permitted in the LI or LD Districts.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the GI District are established in § 154.04(H).
   (13)   PD Planned Development District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the PD Planned Development District is to allow for flexible development design balances with the protection of natural resources, efficient infrastructure and utility design, and the creation of unique open spaces. The intent of the district is to accommodate unified planning and development that is consistent with established land use patterns in Tipp City and that are consistent with the purposes of this code.
      (b)   Previous Planned Development Districts
         (i)   The PD District shall replace all planned development districts that existed prior to the effective date of this code including the following district types:
            A.   PR - Planned Residential District;
            B.   PMH - Planned Mobile/ Manufactured Home Residential District;
            C.   PC - Planned Commercial District;
            D.   PHS - Planned Highway Service District; and
            E.   POI - Planned Office/Industrial District.
         (ii)   The zoning map may be annotated in a manner that includes a notation on the existence of a previously approved planned development and the previous type of planned district.
      (c)   Discontinued District
   The PD District is a discontinued district and is maintained in this code to minimize the creation of nonconformities. Applications for amendments to the zoning map to create additional PD Districts shall be prohibited after the effective date of this code, or amendment thereto.
      (d)   Previously Approved Preliminary Plans for Planned Developments
         (i)   If a preliminary plan has been approved prior to the effective date of this code, the applicant may continue through the original planned development process regardless of the discontinued status of the district.
         (ii)   All applicants who have a preliminary plan approval shall be required to obtain a final plan approval in accordance with this section.
         (iii)   The final plan shall conform substantially to the preliminary plan.  If desired by the developer, it may be submitted in stages with each stage reflecting a portion of the approved preliminary plan which is proposed to be recorded and developed; provided, however, that such portion conforms to all requirements of these regulations. The required procedure for approval of a final plan shall be:
            A.   The final plan and supporting data as established in the planned development application form of this section, shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator who in turn shall forward copies to the Planning Board for certification that the final plan is in conformity with these regulations and in agreement with the approved preliminary plan.
            B.   The Planning Board shall hold a public hearing to review the final plan in the same manner, and with the same notice requirements, as a zoning amendment (see § 154.03(B)(8)).  After review of the final plan and supporting data, the Planning Board shall approve or deny the plan within 60 days after the close of the public hearing.
            C.   The Planning Board shall then forward the final plan together with their recommendations to City Council. City Council shall review the recommendations of the Planning Board at the next regular meeting of the Council, and shall schedule a public hearing and take action to approve or deny the final plan. The City Council shall hold a public hearing to review the final plan in the same manner, and with the same notice requirements, as a zoning amendment (see § 154.03(B)(8)).
         (iv)   Recording of the Final Plan
            A.   If City Council approves the final plan, the Zoning Administrator shall see that requirements of the Tipp City Subdivision Regulations have been complied with before the final plan is presented to the Miami County Recorder for recording. The purpose of such recording is to designate with particularity the land subdivided into convenient lots as pertinent to the development as well as the dimension of other lands, not so treated, into common open area, and to designate each building or structure, as well as the use of the land in general.
            B.   No final plan within the corporate limits of the city shall be so recorded unless it shall have the approval of City Council.
            C.   No building permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator until the final plan has been approved and duly recorded.
            D.   The Zoning Administrator shall not issue a certificate of occupancy until all utilities have been accepted by the city in accordance with the final plan.
      (e)   Modifications and Expansion
         (i)   No expansion of a planned development shall be permitted except if the expansion was approved as part of the original planned development approval (e.g., approved future phases).
         (ii)   The Zoning Administrator may approve minor modifications to approved plans related to a planned development provided they are minor in nature, do not alter the uses permitted in the development, and do not alter the overall character and nature of the previously approved plans. The Zoning Administrator may also forward minor modification requests to the Planning Board for review.
         (iii)   All other changes shall be considered major modifications and must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. Major modifications include, but are not limited to:
            A.   Any minor modification the Zoning Administer initially reviews and decides to forward on to Planning Board; or
            B.   Changes that the Zoning Administrator determines will alter the concept of intent of the planned development including increases in the number of units per acre, change in location or amount of nonresidential land uses, more than 15% modification in proportion of housing types, significant redesign of roadways, utilities or drainage, may be approved only by submission of a new preliminary plan and supporting data.
         (iv)   Any modification reviewed by the Planning Board shall be reviewed during a public hearing in the same manner, and with the same notice requirements, as a zoning amendment (see § 154.03(B)(8)). After review of the modified plan and supporting data, the Planning Board shall approve or deny the plan within 60 days after the close of the public hearing.
   (14)   CD - Conservation District
      (a)   Purpose
   The purpose of the CD Conservation District is to protect undeveloped land located outside the present limits of urban services from indiscriminate development until urban services can be extended, enabling growth to be preplanned in a coordinated and efficient manner. Furthermore, it is the purpose of the CD District to extend protection from urban encroachment to active agricultural enterprises and areas particularly suitable for preservation of an open space environment in the case of those areas possessing distinctive geologic and/or scenic values.
      (b)   Site Development Standards
   Unless otherwise required by an overlay district, the use-specific standards in § 154.04(G), or otherwise approved through an administrative waiver, variance, or similar procedure, all site development standards for the CD District are established in § 154.04(H).
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)