In addition to the interior lot landscaping required by § 158.18 the following standards shall apply to parking lots:
   (A)   Design Standards. The design of the landscaped areas, the selection of plant materials, and the vehicular use area shall meet the following standards:
      (1)   All open automobile parking areas shall have parking lot landscaping that is evenly placed throughout the lot.
      (2)   All parking lot areas shall be screened from the view of adjacent properties and streets by evergreen plantings that will attain a height of, three feet within three years or provide a three foot berm or low wa11/fence. The use of shrubs and ground covers is encouraged in parking area islands and along the borders of parking areas.
      (3)   Each canopy tree shall be provided with at least 300 square feet of pervious ground area for root growth. This dimension shall be measured from the insides of the curbs.
      (4)   The size of the planting area and the size of plant material at maturity shall allow for a three foot bumper overhang from the face of the curb.
      (5)   All sidewalks shall be at least ten feet from the trunks of large trees, unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer where the placement of the sidewalk would require the removal of an existing large tree to meet this requirement or where there is not enough space on the site to accommodate both the tree and the sidewalk.
      (6)   Curbs shall be provided between vehicular use areas and landscaped areas.
      (7)   Parking lots shall be graded so that landscape islands do not impound water, unless surface impoundment is required as a method of on-site retention of stormwater.
      (8)   Groves of trees, as well as isolated islands with single trees, are encouraged.
      (9)   At least 15% of the parking lot shall be covered by landscaping, that 15% being exclusive of required bufferyards and foundation planting areas.
   (B)   Parking Lot Island Standards.
      (1)   Each island shall be at least 200 square feet and at least ten feet wide. Larger islands are encouraged, however, especially where canopy trees are provided.
      (2)   Each island shall include at least one tree and one shrub per 200 square feet of island green area.
      (3)    Landscaping on each island shall be located so as not to cause a traffic hazard.
      (4)   The islands shall be located at the end of each row of parking stalls or as otherwise approved in the landscaping plan.
      (5)   Evergreen trees may be used in islands of at least 400 square feet.
   (C)   Installation Standards.
      (1)   Basic vegetation size standards shall include the following:
         (a)    Evergreen or deciduous shrubs: minimum two feet high;
         (b)    Shade trees: minimum 2.5 inches in diameter, measured six inches above the ground;
         (c)    Ornamental trees: minimum 2.5 inches in diameter, measured six inches above the ground; and
         (d)    Coniferous trees: minimum six feet high.
      (2)   All other specifications shall conform to the American Standards for Nursery Stock, published by the American Association of Nurserymen for that type of tree or shrub at the time of installation.
      (3)   All plant material shall be installed free of disease and in a manner that ensures the availability of sufficient soil and water to sustain healthy growth.
      (4)   All plant material shall be planted with a minimum of six inches of organic soil and mulched to a depth of three inches.
      (5)   All plant material shall be planted in a manner which is not intrusive to utilities or pavement.
      (6)   All earth berm locations shall be reviewed by the Village Engineer to determine how the berms shall relate to drainage and public utilities.
   (D)   Maintenance Standards.
      (1)   The plantings in any landscaped area must be properly maintained in order for the landscaped area to fulfill the purposes for which it was established. The owner of the property and any tenant on the property where a landscaped area is required shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all plant material within the landscaped area. Such maintenance shall include all actions necessary to keep the landscaped areas free of litter and debris and to keep plantings healthy and orderly in appearance.
      (2)   All landscape materials required by this chapter in any business or commercial, industrial and/or office developments shall be installed in accordance with the standard practices of horticultural professionals and in good and workmanlike manner and shall be maintained by the property owner in good condition. All applicants for landscape plan approval shall file a maintenance schedule and the scope of maintenance work with the Planning Director and the Code Enforcement Officer. Such maintenance schedule shall be subject to the approval of the village. Any damaged or dead trees, shrubs or ground cover shall be replaced promptly. Maintenance of landscaped areas shall include continuous operations for removal of weeds; mowing; trimming; edging; cultivation; reseeding; plant replacement; appropriate fertilization; spraying; control of pests, insects and rodents by non-toxic methods wherever possible; watering; and any other operations necessary to assure normal plant growth and good health. The obligation for continuous maintenance shall be binding on the applicant for landscape plan approval, on any subsequent owners of the property, and on any other parties having a controlling interest in the property and/or tenants residing thereon.
      (3)   A letter of credit shall be provided to the village by the owner or developer prior to the issuance of a building permit.
      (4)   The adjacent property owner shall maintain a parkway unless an agreement for maintenance has been reached with the village.
      (5)   The plantings, fences, walls or berms that constitute a buffer must be properly maintained in order for the buffer to fulfill the purpose for which it is established. The owner of the property and any tenant on the property where a buffer is required shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all buffer materials. Such maintenance shall include all actions necessary to keep the buffer free of litter and debris, to keep walls, fences, and berms in good repair and neat appearance. All buffer materials shall be protected from damage by motor vehicles or pedestrians, which could reduce the effectiveness of the buffer.
      (6)   In the event that any vegetation or physical element functioning to meet the standards of this section is severely damaged due to an unusual weather occurrence or natural catastrophe, the owner shall have one year or one growing season, whichever is sooner, to replace or replant.
(Ord. 99-0-053, passed 8-17-99)