(A)   All landscaping, including mulching and seeding, shall be completed in accordance with the approved site plan or special use approval prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for the site. This shall apply to all types of developments, except single family detached residential developments of less than seven units.
   (B)   The village may issue a temporary occupancy permit until the earliest planting season if landscaping is delayed due to unusual conditions, such as drought, ice, over-saturated soil (deep mud), or inappropriate planting season for the plant species, unavailability of plant species, or other circumstances beyond the applicant's control, provided that the developer or property owner provides the village with a letter of credit approved by the Village Attorney ensuring the installation of the remaining landscape materials.
   (C)   All landscaping for single family residential developments of seven units or more shall be completed in accordance with the approved site plan at the time that 80% of the development is completed or within the next planting season following occupancy, whichever comes first. If the development is built in phases, than the landscaping shall be completed as 80% of each phase is completed or within the next planting season following occupancy, whichever comes first. The developer or property owner shall provide the village with a letter of credit approved by the Village Attorney ensuring the installation of the landscape materials. The developer or property owner shall be notified by the Planning Department of any incomplete landscape installation and shall be given 15 days to respond to the notice.
(Ord. 99-0-053, passed 8-17-99)