The following criteria shall be used to evaluate proposed landscaping plans:
   (A)   Landscaping should be designed to be natural looking while having proportion, balance, unity, variety of species, and variety of color throughout the seasons;
   (B)   Landscaping materials that are native to the area should be selected wherever feasible;
   (C)   As an architectural feature, landscaping should visually soften the mass of the buildings, parking areas, and other structures;
   (D)   Landscaping should provide massings of natural colors and shapes to offset the mass of a building and to provide a visual relief to the straight lines of building architecture, parking lots and other man made features.
   (E)   Landscaping should reduce the intrusion of headlights and other glare;
   (F)   Landscaping should provide a safety barrier between vehicles and pedestrians;
   (G)   Landscaping should offer a visual separation or screen between land uses that have intense activities or significantly different appearances, or that are otherwise incompatible to some degree;
   (H)   Landscaping should shade seating, walking, and outdoor activity areas, shield buildings from winter wind and summer sun so as to conserve energy, and should not interfere with clear access to the sun where solar energy collection is anticipated;
   (I)   Landscaping should be designed to trap noise, odor and dust, control erosion, and allow groundwater recharge;
   (J)   Landscaping should provide a natural habitat for birds and other animal life, and should preserve existing natural vegetation and other natural features of a site so as to enhance overall site design and protect animal populations and other ecological systems;
   (K)   Landscaping should be innovative and creative, and should ensure the proper long-term maintenance and replacement of landscaping as needed; and
   (1)   The best professional practices of the American Society of Landscape Architects regarding planting, installation, and other maintenance should be followed.
(Ord. 99-0-053, passed 8-17-99)