(A)    (1)    Every elevator, escalator, and other similar equipment designed or used for the movement of passengers either as its main or sole purpose or in conjunction with the movement of freight or other commodities, now in operation or which may hereafter be installed, together with all equipment thereof, shall be inspected at least once every six months, and in no case shall any new equipment be placed into operation until an inspection of the same has been made. It shall be the duty of each owner, agent, lessee, and occupant of any building wherein any equipment is installed, and of the person in charge or in control of any such equipment, to permit the making of a test of that equipment and all devices used in connection therewith, upon demand being made by the Building Commissioner, or by his duly authorized elevator inspector, within five days after such demand has been made.
      (2)    Whenever any elevators, escalators, or other similar equipment, and all devices and equipment used in connection therewith, have been inspected, and all required tests have been made of all safety devices with which that equipment is equipped, and the result of the inspection and tests show that equipment, including all safety devices, to be in good working condition and in good repair, it shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to issue or cause to be issued a certificate setting forth the result of the inspection and tests and containing the date of inspection, the weight which the equipment will safely carry, and a statement to the effect that the elevator complies with all village requirements. It shall be the joint and several duty of the owner, agent, lessee, or occupant of the building in which that equipment is located, and of each person in charge or control of the equipment, to frame the certificate and place the same in a conspicuous place in each elevator and near each escalator or other equipment. The words "SAFE CONDITION" in this chapter means that it is safe for any load up to the approved weight indicated in the certificate.
   (B)    If the result of the inspection or tests required under division (A) above show that the elevator, escalator, or other equipment is in an unsafe condition or bad repair, or shows that any of the safety devices have not been installed or if installed are not in good working order or not in good repair, the certificate provided for in division (A) above shall not be issued until that elevator, escalator, or other equipment, or other devices, have been put in good working order and good repair.
(Ord. 84-0-003, passed 8-14-84)