The corporate authorities find that the incidence of acts of vandalism and similar offenses by juveniles resulting in damage to real and personal property within this village have increased, thus posing a threat to the value of the property within the village, and also threatening the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the village, and also recognize the need to provide the means to eliminate such problems in order to insure the safety of the property and residents of the village. The corporate authorities further find that increased parental responsibility is essential for the effective control and elimination of such juvenile offenses. Furthermore, the corporate authorities further find that it is in the best interests of the village that such acts be prosecuted by the village as a local offense; that penalties therefore be imposed which are related to the nature of the act and the type of offender; and that parents or legal guardians of minors found guilty of such acts be held responsible for any monetary penalty or order of restitution or reparation imposed. The diligent pursuit of such interest will tend to increase parental supervision of minors and reduce the incidence of juvenile vandalism, thus advancing the welfare of residents of the village.