No person, corporation or business entity of any kind or nature whatsoever, shall engage in the business of renting any dwelling unit to the public, or operating a rental dwelling or dwelling unit, rooming house or rooming unit, unless a valid and current residential rental license has been issued by the Village Clerk for the specific location. This requirement is not intended to apply to licensed professionals acting as brokers or agents, unless licensed professionals are owners or managers of property subject to this chapter. No person shall rent or occupy a dwelling unit or rent or occupy any rooming house unit unless a current valid license has been issued for that specific location. This licensing requirement shall not apply to group homes governed by the Specialized Living Centers Act, ILCS Ch. 405, Act 25, §§ 1 et seq., dealing with the developmentally disabled, or other similar uses governed by state or federal laws, rules or regulations. No license shall be issued or renewed unless the owner or operator agrees in the application to such inspections as may be required pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 2008-O-008, passed 5-6-08; Am. Ord. 2012-O-033, passed 8-21-12)