Any person, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity engaging in the business of renting, leasing, or lending motorcycles or motor-driven cycles shall:
(A) First obtain a license as provided in this section.
(B) Not conduct such business within any zoned residential district or within 200 feet thereof.
(C) Be 21 years of age, if any individual or manager for the corporation, and shall possess any license required by the laws of the state.
(D) Make application for a license on forms provided by the Village Clerk and containing the following:
(1) If an individual, the name and address of the individual;
(2) If a partnership, the name, residence, and business address of each partner;
(3) If a corporation, the name, date, and state under whose laws such corporation was organized, and if a foreign corporation, whether authorized to do business in the State of Illinois; the names of the principal officers, directors, and local representatives, their residences and business addresses;
(4) The location where the business of renting motorcycles will be conducted, and the number of motorcycles that will be maintained on the premises for rental purposes.
(E) Maintain precise records of vehicle rental indicating the name of the person to whom the rental was made, his address, the registered motor number of the vehicle rented or leased, together with other identifying data, the parent or guardian's written approval of a minor's application and his agreement to be responsible for the action of the minor in the use of the vehicle, the date and hour of its rental and the time of its return to the possession of the licensee.
(F) Not rent to anyone under 18 years of age until he has on file in his possession an acknowledgment in writing, signed by either parent of the applicant or the applicant's legal guardian in the presence of and witnessed by the licensee or his duly authorized agent, to the effect that permission is granted for the child to rent, lease, or borrow a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle from the renter, lessor, or lender, and that the parent or guardian consents to the renting, leasing, or lending of a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle to the child, and assumes full legal responsibility for acts or actions of the child in the operation of any such motorcycle or motor-driven cycle then or thereafter rented, leased, or lent to the child; and the renter, lessor, or lender may rely upon the written consent as compliance with this subchapter until it is revoked in writing by written revocation signed by either of the parents or by the guardian and delivered to the renter, lessor, or lender.
(G) Rent vehicles only to persons who have and can show a valid motor vehicle operator's license.
(H) Maintain all motorcycles in a safe manner and provide each with all equipment required by law.
(I) Operate the business between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. There shall be no rental after 10:00 p.m. or the returning of motorcycles between the hours of midnight and 8:00 a.m.
(J) Provide proof of financial responsibility by compliance with all pertinent provisions of ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 9-101 et seq.
(K) Have only the number of rental motorcycles on the premises as provided for in his application.
(L) Comply with all ordinances and regulations of the village, including any reasonable regulations set by the Chief of Police to effectuate this subchapter.
('77 Code, § 73.003) (Ord. 67-0-005, passed 2-27-67) Penalty, see § 110.99