Any person, firm, or corporation selling and delivering or attempting to deliver any load lot of any commodity, produce, or other article or articles of merchandise sold in load lot by weight, delivered by wagon, truck, or other vehicle within the village, of a quantity less than called for by the delivery ticket, or any public weigh master or deputy who shall provide the driver or person in charge of the vehicle used in the delivery thereof with a certificate or memorandum of delivery which does not correctly state the information required to be given herein or with a certificate or memorandum which does not give the result of the actual weighing of such load lot and any driver or person in charge of such delivery who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to deliver to any member of the Police Department upon demand, the aforesaid public weigh master's certificate before such load or any part thereof is removed from the vehicle, or who shall refuse to comply with his or their demand to reweigh the same in order that the weights stated in such certificate may be verified, shall be fined as provided in § 123.99. Whenever the reweighing is done on a scale other than the scale of which the weighing was originally done a variance of 1% less in the net weight of a load lot between the net weight as set forth in the public weigh master's certificate and the net weight as ascertained by reweighing such reweighing such load shall not be considered a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 84-0-050, passed 11-27-84) Penalty, see § 123.99