§ 113.05 SMOKING.
   (A)    It shall be unlawful to smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe on or beneath the stage or in a dressing room of any building used as an assembly hall with seating accommodations for more than 100 persons or in which theatricals, shows, amusements, lectures, or other entertainments are offered, presented, operated, or exhibited.
   (B)    It shall be the duty of the owner or of the occupant in charge, to provide and place printed signs on which the words "NO SMOKING" shall appear in letters at least four inches high, in conspicuous places, at least two signs being upon the stage or in the wings thereof and one in each dressing room.
(Ord. 84-0-050, passed 11-27-84) Penalty, see § 110.99