(A)   The Local Liquor Control Commissioner may suspend or revoke any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if he or she determines that the licensee has violated any of the provisions of the State Liquor Control Act, the provisions of this chapter, any applicable rules or regulations established by the State Liquor Control Commission, any applicable rules or regulations established by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or for any other grounds established in the State Liquor Control Act.
   (B)   No license shall be revoked, suspended, or non-renewed except after a public hearing by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner with written notice sent to the licensee at least three days prior to the hearing affording the licensee an opportunity to appear and defend. However, if the Local Liquor Control Commissioner has reason to believe that any continued operation of a particular licensed premises will immediately threaten the welfare of the community, he or she may, upon the issuance of a written order stating the reason for such conclusion, and without notice or hearing, order the licensed premises closed for not more than seven days, giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard during that period. If such licensee is also engaged in the conduct of another business or businesses on the licensed premises, such order shall not be applicable to such other business or businesses.
      (1)   The notice provided hereunder shall include the time, date, and place of the hearing and a general description of the alleged cause for the possible revocation or suspension or the reason for the non-renewal. At any hearing hereunder, the licensee shall be entitled to all the protections and rights allowed by law.
      (2)   Such different or additional procedures as may be allowed by law may be established from time to time by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the village.
   (C)   The Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall, within 28 days after the hearing, if he or she determines after the hearing that the license should be revoked, suspended, or non-renewed, state the reason or reasons for such determination in a written order of revocation, suspension, or non-renewal, and shall serve a copy of the order within 28 days upon the licensee.
   (D)   The licensee, after the receipt of the order of suspension or revocation shall have the privilege, within a period of 20 days after the receipt of the order of suspension or revocation, of appealing the order to the State Liquor Control Commission. If, and only if, such right exists under state law, the licensee shall have the similar right to appeal any decision of non-renewal within this 20-day period to the State Liquor Control Commission.
   (E)   In the event an appeal is taken from an order of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, the appeal shall be limited to a review of the official record of the proceedings of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner as provided by resolution heretofore enacted by the Village Board of Trustees and as hereby confirmed.
(Ord. 2021-O-086, passed 12-7-21)