(A)   Any license issued hereunder shall be purely a personal privilege to expire not later than December 31 next after issuance unless sooner revoked as provided in this chapter. Such license shall not constitute property; be subject to attachment, garnishment, or execution; be alienable or transferable, voluntarily or involuntarily; nor shall it be subject to being encumbered or hypothecated.
      (1)   Such license shall not descend by the laws of testate or intestate devolution, but it shall cease and terminate upon the death of the licensee. Such license shall also cease and terminate upon the insolvency or bankruptcy of any licensee.
      (2)   However, the executor or administrator of the estate of any deceased licensee or the trustee of any insolvent or bankrupt licensee, when such estate consists in part of alcoholic liquor, may continue the business of the sale at retail of such alcoholic liquor under order of the appropriate court and may exercise the privileges of the deceased, insolvent, or bankrupt licensee after the death of the decedent or insolvency or bankruptcy until the expiration of the license but no longer than six months after the death, bankruptcy, or insolvency of the licensee.
   (B)   Any licensee may renew his or her license at the expiration thereof provided he or she is then qualified to receive a license and further provided that the premises for which the renewal license is sought meets all applicable health requirements, contains no building or fire/safety violations or other violations of any applicable laws and ordinances, and otherwise meets with the approval of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner in the lawful exercise of his or her powers and duties. Further, the renewal privilege herein provided for shall not be construed as a vested right which shall in any case prevent the Board of Trustees from decreasing or increasing the number of licenses to be issued within the village.
      (1)   Liquor License renewals will be issued by the Local Liquor Commissioner or his/her designee in advance of December 31st. Renewal payments must be made prior to December 31st. Application for renewal shall be made under oath and shall be upon an application blank prepared by the village.
      (2)   Each application for renewal shall be treated and considered in the same manner as provided for in § 112.16.
(Ord. 2021-O-086, passed 12-7-21)