All composting shall be done in compliance with the following standards and conditions:
(A) All compost piles shall be enclosed in a freestanding compost bin.
(B) Each compost bin shall be no larger in volume than 125 cubic feet, and shall be no taller than five feet.
(C) No more than three compost binds may be located on any lot used for residential purposes.
(D) All compost bins/piles shall be maintained so as to prevent the attraction or harborage of rodents.
(E) All compost bins/piles shall be maintained so as to prevent unpleasant odors.
(F) All composting shall be done in accordance with any process which has been found to be an acceptable composting process by the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources.
(G) Compost piles shall only be made up of landscape waste.
(H) No compost pile/bin shall be located in any front yard or corner side yard.
(I) A compost pile/bin may be located in a side yard provided, however, that it shall not be located in any side yard setback required by the village Zoning Code.
(J) A compost pile/bin may be located in a rear yard provided, however, that it shall not be located within ten feet of any lot line. In cases where a rear yard adjoins a street, a compost pile/bin shall be located no closer than 50 feet to the street.
(Ord. 90-0-053, passed 6-26-90) Penalty, see § 96.99