Amendments to the text or map of this Zoning Code may be made as follows:
(a) The Planning Commission, Council or any property owner or group of property owners may propose amendments to this Zoning Code. All such proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for study and approval.
(b) The Planning Commission shall have a reasonable time, but not more than thirty days, to report its findings. For any proposed amendment submitted by Council or by a property owner or group of property owners, the Commission shall report its findings, whether favorable or unfavorable, to Council within thirty days next following the submission of such proposed amendment to the Commission.
(c) No amendment that is reported unfavorably by the Commission shall be adopted by Council except by the affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths of all Councilmembers.
(d) Following the receipt of the Commission report of any proposed amendment, and prior to the third reading of the amending ordinance, Council shall hold a public hearing thereon and shall give thirty days notice of the same by legal advertising and by any other means required by law.
(e) During this thirty-day period, the amending ordinance, together with any maps that may be part of it, and the report of the Commission, shall be on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
(Ord. 1991-7. Passed 7-16-91.)