As used in this Zoning Code words used in the present tense include the future, the singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. The word "lot" includes the word "plot" and the word "building" includes the word "structure." The term "this Zoning Code" includes all ordinances amending, explaining or supplementing the same. The term "Building Inspector" includes all persons succeeding him or her, by whatever title known, in the duties and powers provided for him or her in this Zoning Code. The terms "Commission" and "Planning Commission" include the Planning Commission of the Village and all officers, boards and commissions succeeding by law or ordinance to any of its powers or duties. In addition:
   (a)   "Accessory use" or "accessory building" means a subordinate use or building customarily incident to and located on the same lot with the main use or building.
   (b)   "Building line", "front yard line" or "setback line" (which terms are synonymous) means the line parallel to the street line upon which a lot fronts, between which line and the centerline no building or portion thereof, except as provided by this Zoning Code, may be erected above the established grade.
   (c)   "Conditional use" means an uncommon, unique or infrequent use which shall not be permitted by right, but may be permitted under specific conditions or prohibited by the Planning Commission after making a determination for conformity with the procedures and standards established in Section 1260.04(d). All such uses shall require a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 1956-6. Passed 8-10-65.)
   (d)   "Driveway" means the means of motor vehicle ingress to and egress from a residence, located, whenever possible, along a straight line, which shall be the shortest distance between the street and a garage entrance, or a designated parking area if no garage exists. The surface of any driveway shall consist of asphalt, concrete, brick or stone and shall not exceed twenty feet in width.
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (e)   "Established grade" means the elevation of the established street centerline.
(Ord. 1956-6. Passed 8-10-65.)
   (f)   "Family" means an individual, or two persons unrelated by blood, marriage or adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit, or two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
(Ord. 1977-7. Passed 12-20-77.)
   (g)   "Home occupation" means any occupation or activity carried on by a member of an immediate family residing on a premises, provided there is no commodity sold upon the premises and no mechanical equipment is used, except of a type that is similar in character to that normally used for purely domestic or household purposes, and provided that no display will indicate from the exterior that the building or land is being utilized in part for any purpose other than that of a dwelling.
      "Home occupation" shall include the use of a premises by a physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer, clergyman or other professional person for consultation or emergency treatment, but not for the general practice of his or her profession.
      "Home occupation" shall not include any activity conducted for gain which renders services to individuals or to other commercial or industrial enterprises, or any activity involving service and repair of appliances and machines used in homes or businesses.
   (h)   "Least dimension" of a yard means the least of the horizontal dimensions of such yard. If two opposite sides of a yard are not parallel, the horizontal dimensions between them shall be deemed to be the mean distance between them.
   (i)   "Lot" means a parcel of land occupied by one building and accessory buildings housing uses that are customarily incident to the use of the main building, including such open spaces as are required by this chapter and such open spaces as are arranged and designed to be used in connection with such buildings.
   (j)   "Main building" means the building or space occupied by the chief use or activity on a premises.
   (k)   "Natural grade" means the elevation of the undisturbed natural surface of the ground adjoining a building.
   (l)   "Nonconforming use" means a use of a building that does not comply with the regulations of the use district in which it is located.
   (m)   "Noncommercial recreational facility" means any private or semipublic recreational facility which is not operated for profit.
   (n)   "Notice" means a written announcement delivered to the person addressed or left at his or her usual residence (including delivery by registered mail) a reasonable time, not less than five days, before the event or action to which it refers.
   (o)   "Plant cultivation" means the cultivation of crops, horticulture, floriculture and vitaculture, including fruit trees, nursery stock, truck garden products and similar plant materials, for the owners' personal use.
   (p)   "Public notice" means notice given by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village not less than thirty days before the event or action to which it refers.
   (q)   "Public service facility" means any service operating under authority granted by a governmental body.
   (r)   "Public use" includes public parks, schools and administrative, cultural and service buildings, not including public lands or buildings devoted solely to the storage and maintenance of equipment and material.
   (s)   "Semipublic use" includes churches, Sunday schools, parochial schools, colleges, hospitals and other institutions of an educational, religious, charitable or philanthropic nature.
   (t)   "Single-family dwelling" means a dwelling detached, arranged or intended or designed for occupancy by a single family.
   (u)   "Street line" means the lot line dividing the lot from the street.
   (v)   "Yard" means an existing or required space on the same lot with the main building and lying along the adjacent lot line open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky, except as otherwise provided herein.
      (1)   "Front yard" means the yard across the full width of the lot extending from the front yard or building line to the street line.
      (2)   "Rear yard" means the yard across the full width of the lot immediately in the rear of the main building.
      (3)   "Side yard" means the yard along the side line of a lot and extending from the front yard or lot line to the rear yard or lot line.
   (w)   "Zone Map" means the map of the Village herein adopted and make a part of this Zoning Code, and all additions, corrections and substitutions hereafter made.
(Ord. 1956-6. Passed 8-10-65.)