§ 110.093 STANDARDS.
   Open space temporary unit siting standards have been developed with the following provisions and any additional conditions set forth in the city’s approval prior to occupancy.
   (A)   The space provided for each unit shall be 1,600 square feet exclusive of any space used for common areas, such as driveways, walkways, parking spaces for vehicles other than recreational vehicles/mobile units and landscaped areas. All merchandise and primary unit must be contained in 500 square feet of space that is set back at least 20 feet from the property frontage.
   (B)   Driveways shall not be less than 24 feet in width if parking is permitted on the margin of the driveway, or less than 20 feet in width if parking is not permitted on the edge of the driveway. Driveways shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or similar impervious surface and designed to permit easy access to each unit space.
   (C)   A space provided for each unit shall be covered with crushed gravel or paved with existing asphalt, concrete or similar material and be designed to provide runoff of surface water. The part of the space which is not occupied by the unit, not intended as an access way to the unit or part of an outdoor patio need not be paved or covered with gravel, provided the area is landscaped or otherwise treated to prevent dust and mud.
   (D)   Each unit may be required to be connected to the water and sewage service depending on the length of occupancy.
   (E)   Each unit space may be connected with electrical service depending on the length of occupancy.
   (F)   Trash receptacles for the disposal of solid waste materials shall be provided in convenient locations for the use of guests, and located in such number and be of such capacity that there is no uncovered accumulation of trash at any time.
   (G)   Parking spaces shall be covered with crushed gravel or paved with asphalt, concrete or similar material.
   (H)   If renting for more than one week per year, the leasee shall provide toilets or lavatories for each property.
   (I)   Each unit space shall be maintained in a neat appearance at all times. Except for the primary space described in division (A) above, there shall be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment. Grounds keeping maintenance shall be the responsibility of the leasee.
   (J)   Each vendor shall provide the city with proof of liability insurance, insuring vendor and city from claims for personal injury, real and/or personal property damage from activities on the subject property.
   (K)   Each unit on the subject property shall be located no closer than 12 feet from another unit on the subject property. Each unit on the subject property shall be located no closer than ten feet from the property boundary. In addition, each unit on the subject property shall have a setback on at least one side of 40 feet from a public street or property boundary, for adequate off-street parking and vehicle maneuvering.
   (L)   Each mobile unit permitted on the subject property shall meet the following standards as determined by an inspection by the building official.
      (1)   It shall have a state insignia indicating compliance with State Construction Standards in effect at the time of manufacture, and including compliance for reconstruction or equipment installation made after manufacture.
      (2)   Notwithstanding deterioration which may have occurred due to misuse, neglect, accident or other cause, the mobile unit shall meet the state standards for construction evidenced by the insignia.
   (M)   Each unit on the subject property shall maintain emergency shut-off or disconnection points for all utilities and be able to be disconnected from these utilities (sewer, water and electrical services) and vacated safely and timely from the subject property in the event of flooding or other natural hazards or other emergency in order to protect life and property.
   (N)   The name of the proprietor/business shall be clearly displayed to the public.
(Res. 1796, passed 7-15-2019)