(A)   On or after July 1, 2002, any person who operates a business or conducts business, to include peddlers, solicitors, hawkers and occult arts, within the jurisdiction of the city, shall first obtain a business registration registering that business. The applicant shall apply on a form approved by the city and shall pay a fee for the registration in advance. Fees for this subchapter shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
   (B)   Any person that carries on or engages in a business that does not comply with city, state or federal law is prohibited from being issued a business license. Additionally, currently held licenses may be revoked for violation of city, state or federal law.
   (C)   Registrations shall be valid for one 365 day year, the period being July 1 to June 30. Registrations are renewable on July 1 of each year, with renewal notices sent out in May of each year. A late fee will be assessed if not paid by July 1. Additional penalty and citation into the city’s municipal court will be issued 15 days from the date of the written late notice.
(Ord. 1288, passed 4-7-2014)