(A)   The Mayor, at his or her discretion, may also convene special ad hoc committees of limited duration with the consent of a majority of the Council. These committees shall be charged with making recommendations regarding to the Council.
   (B)   Members of all standing committees shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council, at the second Council meeting in January of each year or as soon thereafter as convenient. Members of standing committees must reside or own a business within the city limits.
      (1)   The Mayor shall also designate Council members to serve as chair, vice-chair and liaison between the standing committees and the City Council. Each Council member should expect to serve on not less than two standing committees.
      (2)   Each member of a committee shall hold office for two years and until a successor is appointed.
      (3)   If a vacancy occurs in a committee, the Mayor, at the next succeeding regular meeting of the Council, with the consent of a majority of the Council, shall appoint a member of the Council to fill the vacancy. Any member so appointed shall hold office until January of the year following the appointment or as soon thereafter as convenient and until a successor is duly appointed.
      (4)   The committees are limited to a maximum of seven members (excluding staff). The member limitation does not apply to the Associations Committee, whose purpose is to be inclusive. The chair shall set the agenda in conference with staff.
      (5)   A majority of a quorum of a committee is sufficient to conduct committee business. Business shall be conducted in a manner similar to that proscribed in §§ 36.20 and 36.29 through 36.34 above.
      (6)   The city staff will provide staff support and input and may make recommendations to committees but shall not have a vote on the committee.
      (7)   At the regular meeting of the Council following a committee meeting, the committees shall make a report, written or oral, of their activities or as soon thereafter as convenient.
   (C)   The City Council may establish or abolish standing committees by resolution in order to report and make appropriate recommendations to the Council, and recommend adoption of ordinances and/or resolutions that it considers necessary for the welfare of the city. At the time of the ratification of these rules, the following standing committees shall be considered in place:
      (1)   Committee on Personnel. The Committee on Personnel shall:
         (a)   Coordinate City Manager, City Recorder and Municipal Judge annual evaluations;
         (b)   Coordinate and make recommendations for changes to the Employee Handbook; and
         (c)   Periodically evaluate all personal service contracts.
      (2)   Committee on Beautification, Parks and Open Space. The Committee on City Beautification, Parks and Open Space shall consider all matters relating to parks, open space, seasonal street decoration, and uses of city beautification funds, city beautification needs and holiday celebrations and matters that are referred to it by the Mayor.
      (3)   Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance shall consider all matters relating to city budget, city fiscal affairs, loans, grants, assessment impacts and government grants and matters that are referred to it by the Mayor.
      (4)   Committee on Public Safety. The Committee on Public Safety shall consider all matters relating to public health and safety, city police, intergovernmental relations with the Fire District, 911, County Sheriff, state police and outreach, schools, youth and elderly.
      (5)   Committee on Public Works. The Committee on Public Works shall:
         (a)   Consider all matters relating to streets, on-street parking, parking district, sewers, alleys, sidewalks, public ways, water facilities and public buildings and matters that are referred to it by the Mayor;
         (b)   Recommend rates to be charged for city water and sewer services; and
         (c)   Propose improvements to streets, on-street parking, parking district, sewer facilities, alleys, sidewalks, public ways, water facilities and public buildings.
      (6)   Committee on Associations. The Committee on Associations shall consider all matters relating to city visioning, downtown development and city partnerships.
   (D)   Notwithstanding the above divisions (A) through (C), the following commissions and committees shall require Council consent for membership and shall be guided by the requirements of state law and any supplemental bylaws that they may adopt:
      (1)   Planning Commission; and
      (2)   Budget Committee.
   (E)   City Councilors appointed to any committee or commission, which may from time to time request and/or require municipal funds, shall work with the committee in the formation of its budget and be prepared to support and explain the budget items presented to the City Council.
   (F)   All committees shall keep action minutes or shall electronically record the proceedings of their meetings. The committee chair or his or her designate shall be responsible for turning the record in to City Hall.
(Prior Code, § 30.45) (Ord. 1256a, passed 8-1-2011)