§ 36.24 VOTING.
   (A)   A vote on every motion or question relating to the expenditure of funds shall be by roll call vote conducted by the City Recorder or designee.
   (B)   Written ballots are not prohibited, but each ballot must identify the member voting and the vote must be announced by the City Recorder or designee. Secret ballots are prohibited. In the event of a unanimous vote, it may be entered into the record as “unanimously approved/disapproved.”
   (C)   A Council member may not indicate his or her vote during the course of discussion.
   (D)   A Council member may change his or her vote before the next item of business is taken.
   (E)   A member may not vote on any issue or matter in which he or she may have a potential conflict of interest, as defined by O.R.S. 244.020.
   (F)   A member may request to be excused from voting for special reason when approved by a majority of the Council. A member who abstains from voting must state the reason for his or her abstention.
(Prior Code, § 30.24) (Ord. 1256a, passed 8-1-2011)