161.08 CLERK.
   (a)   The Conner Memorial Commission shall be allowed one clerk or agent, who shall keep the records of the Commission, investigate all applications for relief, and perform such other duties as directed by the Commission.
(Ord. 81-44. Passed 6-1-81.)
   (b)   The Thomas Connor Memorial Commission is hereby authorized to establish by regulation recorded in its minutes the maximum hours per month or per year that the clerk may be employed at a rate of compensation fixed by the Commission, within its discretion.
(Ord. 97-9. Passed 1-20-97.)
   (c)   Payment for services performed by the clerk or agent shall be made from the funds available to the Commission from its annual income or from funds added to principal by investment earnings in previous years.
   (d)   The clerk or agent appointed by the Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission; shall not for any purposes be considered an employee of the City; payments for the clerk's services shall not be subject to deductions for the Public Employees' Retirement System; and he/she further shall not be eligible for participation in hospitalization insurance provided to full-time City employees. The clerk or agent shall not be entitled to compensation related to sick leave or vacation. The Commission may be permitted to engage an interim clerk or agent designated as such during the temporary illness, incapacity, or absence of the clerk or agent. (Ord. 81-44. Passed 6-1-81.)