The following definitions are hereby adopted for the purpose of this chapter:
(a) “Collection contractor" means an individual or entity selected by the City for the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste and recyclable materials generated at residential units, and City facilities.
(b) "Recyclable materials" means solid waste that is, or may be, collected, sorted, cleansed, treated, or reconstituted for return to commence. Recyclable materials include, but are not limited to: corrugated cardboard, office paper, newspaper, fiber materials, glass containers, steel containers, aluminum.
(c) “Resident" means an adult occupant, owner or tenant of a residential unit.
(d) "Residential Unit" means all occupied residential dwellings within the corporate limits of the City, including residences of three (3) units or less, single-family homes, condominiums, or town homes.
(Ord. 15-3. Passed 1-19-15.)
(e) “Solid waste” means unwanted residual or semi-solid material resulting from Residential Units or community operations, but excluding earth or material from construction, mining or demolition operations, or other waste materials of the type that would normally be included in demolition debris, non-toxic foundry sand, slag and other substances that are not harmful to public health. “Solid Waste” does not include any material that is an infectious or hazardous waste.
(Ord. 15-15. Passed 4-6-15.)