   (a)   There is hereby established within the Fire Department of the City, a Bureau of Fire Prevention which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. The Chief shall appoint such officers and personnel thereto as are deemed necessary.
   (b)   A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Chief of the Fire Department to be included in his annual report to the chief executive officer of the City. The report shall contain all proceedings under the Code adopted herein, with such statistics as the Chief may wish to include therein; the Chief shall also recommend any amendments to the Code as adopted herein which, in his judgment are desirable.
   (c)   The Ohio Fire Code as adopted in Section 1501.01 shall be enforced by the Fire Marshal, his subordinates and by the City through the Chief of the Fire Department, the Bureau of Fire Prevention and such members of the Fire Department as may be designated by the Chief.
   (d)   If following issuance by the Tiffin Fire Department of a citation under provisions of the Ohio Fire Code, the cited property owner or occupant:
      (1)   Fails or refuses to respond to the citation,
      (2)   Delays the ordered corrective measures unreasonably with due regard for the existence of danger to persons or property or adjacent structures, or
      (3)   By default or demand, causes a State hearing notice to issue, and
      (4)   The probable time factor of scheduling such a hearing in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department poses a threat to persons or property which should be abated forthwith pending such a hearing, upon a request by the Chief of Fire Department approved by the City Administrator, the Director of Law or his appointed designate may initiate judicial proceedings under Ohio R.C. 3737.46, if in his judgment such is warranted. The Director of Law shall further have authority to pursue such appellate procedures as needed.
         (Ord. 89-25. Passed 4-17-89.)
   (a)   No person shall knowingly violate any provision of the Ohio Fire Code as adopted herein or any order issued pursuant thereto.
(ORC 3737.51(A))
   (b)   No person shall fail to comply with the fire prevention measures or fire protection activities as prescribed in the Ohio Fire Code, or fail to obtain a permit or license for the various uses or activities as required by such Code, or fail to comply with the Municipal application and plan submission and processing requirements including payment of the fees designated therefor.
   The owner, operator or lessee of any transient residential building shall post the provisions of Ohio R.C. 2909.02 and 2909.03 in a conspicuous place in each room occupied by guests in such building. The owner, operator or lessee of any nontransient residential building, institution, school or place of assembly shall post the provisions of such sections in conspicuous places upon such premises. No person shall fail to comply with this section.
(ORC 3737.61)