(a)    There is hereby established an Architectural Board of Review which shall have the powers and duties as are hereinafter set forth in this Chapter 1311. The Review Board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation from City Council. Appointees should have a demonstrated knowledge or interest in the preservation and continued use of Tiffin's historic resources, and a determination to work for the overall improvement of the physical and economic quality of the City's architectural environment. These members shall be selected and appointed by the Mayor with due regard for the need for balance among diverse community interests. To the extent possible, one (1) member of the Board shall be a member of the Tiffin Historic Trust, one (1) member shall be the City Engineer or his or her designee, and five (5) members shall be selected from the following categories (one or more members may be from the same category); a property owner within the Downtown Design Review District, a residential tenant within the Downtown Design Review District, a commercial tenant within the Downtown Design Review District, and a Seneca County resident who owns and/or operates a business in the Downtown Design Review District. All Board members shall be residents of the City with the exception of the City Engineer or designee and a Seneca County resident described above.
   (b)    Members shall be appointed to serve three year terms. Members shall serve until their successors have been named. A majority of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum, and any action or decision of the Board shall have the support of such a majority of its members. (Ord. 15-12. Passed 4-20-15.)