(a)    If no appeal is filed from the finding of the Code Official within the above thirty day period, or if the Zoning Board of Appeals affirms the findings of the Code Official entirely or in part, the owner shall commence designated repairs or demolition immediately and shall so notify the Code Official. If no appeal has been filed within the thirty days or if the Zoning Board of Appeals affirms the order entirely or in part and the owner has not commenced the work forthwith, the City Administrator shall arrange for the work to be performed by the City utilizing City employees or persons under contract to the City. If the City Administrator contracts with persons to perform the work, he shall comply with requirements of the laws of the State pertaining to advertising for and accepting bids for such work.
   (b)    A decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals affirming entirely or in part the order of the Code Official shall be final; appealable only to the Court of Common Pleas of Seneca County, and notice of intended appeal shall be filed by certified mail with the Board of Zoning Appeals within ten days of that Board's final decision.
(Ord. 00-64. Passed 11-20-00.)