Ord. No. Date Description
N.A. 11-16-1869 Sale of part of Inlot 52 to Peter Van Wert.
N.A. 2-26-1872 Purchase of land to extend Jackson St.
N.A. 8-22-1872 Purchase of land to widen Monroe St.
N.A. 1-25-1875 Appropriation of land to widen Main St.
N.A. 3-26-1888 Sale of 7 acres of park lands - Lot 2 and part of Lots 1 and 9.
N.A. 8-26-1888 Accepts deed for Lot 1035 from J. W. Cauley.
N.A. 8-16-1889 Purchase of west half of southwest quarter of Section 26 in Bloom Township, Wood County.
N.A. 10-19-1891 Accepts deed for Lot 104 from J. W. Werner.
N.A. 10-1-1894 Authorizes sale of Lot 396 (Second Ward engine house.)
N.A. 10-15-1895 Authorizes sale of Lot 1035 on Lafayette St.
N.A. 4-19-1897 Authorizes sale of old stone quarry on Front St.
N.A. 11-15-1897 Authorizes sale of part of lot 1 in Block W. of estate of Josiah Hedges.
N.A. 4-20-03 Authorizes sale of east part of Outlot 3 of Block X of estate of Josiah Hedges.
N.A. 12-13-15 Appropriates part of Lot 42 of Block U of estate of Josiah Hedges for alley purposes.
677 4-4-27 Authorizes sale of Lot 67 in Cottage Park Addition.
709 4-16-28 Establishes Block 27, First Highland Addition as a park.
825 6-19-32 Appropriates property for Hedges Park.
1025 1-29-43 Easement for sewer from B. & O. RR.
1026 4-5-43 Authorizes sale of 5.6 acres in Clinton Township.
1059 12-4-44 Accepts deed from H. L. Magers for alley.
1072A 6-18-45 Easement from B. & O. RR for alley.
1102 6-3-46 Purchase of 7.8 acres in northeast quarter of Section 17, Town 2 north, Range 15 east.
1110 9-3-46 Accepts deed from I. M. Simmons.
1246 7-17-50 Authorizes sale of Reserve A in First Highland Addition.
1294 5-21-51 Authorizes sale of part of Inlot 369.
1295 4-16-51 Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 72 in Walker's Addition.
1386 7-21-52 Authorizes sale of part of Lots 105 and 106 in Myers et al Addition.
1480 8-17-53 Authorizes sale of Lots 21, 22 and 23 in Heming's Resurvey.
1605 5-16-55 Appropriates easement over certain land in Walker's Addition.
1652 3-5-56 Deed from Board of Education for extension of Glenn St.
1654 3-19-56 Authorizes sale of part of Lots 12,13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Block 53 in Highland Second Addition.
1626 6-18-56 Authorizes purchase of land for garbage and refuse disposal site.
1671 6-18-56 Appropriates land for street and water line to disposal site.
N.A. - Not Available
1682 7-16-56 Appropriates land for street and water line purposes to sewage disposal plant, running northerly from Huss St. and along west bank of Sandusky River.
1735 1-7-57 Accepts deed from J. M. Dunn of four-foot strip for public thoroughfare.
1736 1-21-57 Accepts deed from L. I. Mount for public thoroughfare.
1741 1-21-57 Accepts deed from E. N. Porter for street purposes.
1788 7-15-57 Accepts deeds from N. C. Boyer, B. M. Huber, J. S. Hertzer and E. Diemer for street purposes.
1843 8-4-58 Accepts deed from C. B. Cockayne for street purposes.
1901 12-7-59 Accepts deed from N. E. Boyer for street purposes.
1953 11-21-60 Authorizes sale of property at 14 Madison St.
1190 9-5-61 Option to purchase property on E. Market St. adjacent to the Municipal Building.
2021 10-2-61 Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 45 at 53 E. Market St. from F. E. and K. M. Russell.
2024 10-16-61 Authorizes sale of parcel of Wall St.
2033 2-19-62 Authorizes conveyance of lot in Westgate Park in exchange for Lot 44 in Westgate Subdivision.
2051 5-3-62 Accepts deed from Teakwood Dr. extension and Oakwood Dr. extension in Westgate Subdivision.
2066 9-4-62 Accepts deed for Oakwood Dr. extension.
2122 7-15-63 Authorizes sale of parcel immediately off south part of Lot 333 in Hedge's Second Addition.
2143 10-21-63 Sewer easement from Raymond and Julia Theis.
2163 4-6-64 Pipeline easement from Penn. RR.
2252 3-15-65 Accepts deed from L. R. and M. C. Schoen of 0.32 acres and sewage disposal plant to service Sunnyslope Subdivision, Second Addition.
2290 8-2-65 Accepts deed from State of Ohio for park purposes of 3.7 acres, being Lots 2 to 8 in Brickner's Addition and Lot 502 in Riverview Addition and a parcel bounded by Willow Creek and the Sandusky River and 11.03 acres, being the Sloane Parcel of Riverview Addition.
2300 9-7-65 Accepts deed for 0.175 acres from F. B. Shire for sewer purposes, fronting on State Route 101, commencing 690.84 ft. northeast of intersection of East Market and Seneca Sts.
2317 12-20-65 Sewer easement to Richard Wagner.
2240 2-10-65 Purchase of land from State for park purposes.
1286 3-7-66 Easement for sewer from Leo Schoen.
2374 6-6-66 Sale of land at intersection of Adams and Wall Sts.
2388 8-15-66 Accepts deed from F. M. Cockayne of parcel 25 ft. wide adjacent to west line of Riverlea Park Dr., part of Outlot 247 for widening Riverlea Park Dr.
2453 3-20-67 Sewer easement for tap on Miami St.
1286 11-7-66 Negotiates for easement for sanitary sewer from Leo Schoen, along westerly line of Inlot 45 of Sunnyslope Third Addition to property owned by Michael Maiberger.
2481 7-10-67 Sale to Hanson Machinery Co. of parcel in Noble's Second Addition, west of and adjacent to Lot 274; and a portion of Miami St. north of and adjacent to Lots 719 to 724 and two vacated alleys; and portion of Miami and Wall Sts. with N-S alley between Lots 2 and 3 in Baldwin's Second Subdivision.
2482 6-5-67 Easement for improving Gibson Creek and for extending and improving existing storm and sanitary sewer systems.
2489 7-17-67 Purchase for off-street parking of Lots 104 to 106 and part of Lot 113 of Heming's Resurvey.
1301 8-21-67 Easement agreement with Ohio Power Co. for sewer line across NE side of property extending westerly from Sandusky St. to New York Central RR.
2508 10-16-67 Easement agreement with Excell Wire and Cable Co. for off-street parking on south side of Elm Ave.
68-46 7-15-68 Sale of streets and alleys as vacated by Ord. 68-41.
68-65 12-2-68 Accepts deed from the France Co. for Lot 20 in Hunter Addition.
68-78 1-6-69 Appropriates easement from Abert Tiell for Sunnyslope Trunk Sewer over Lot 1263.
69-5 3-3-69 Easement to Tiffin Glass Co. for encroachments of buildings and other structures over and upon Vine St., Fourth Ave. and Shawhan Ave.
69-35 6-16-69 Purchase from Standard Oil Co. of two parcels at 200 South Washington St. being Lots 123 and 124 in Heming's Resurvey.
69-14 12-29-69 Accepts deed from Tiffin Westgate, Inc. for Lot 35, part of Lot 34 in Replat of part of Westgate Subdivision.
70-41 7-6-70 Sale of Lots 6 and 7, Block 9, in Highland Addition.
70-50 8-3-70 Purchase of 25 parcels of land for recreational and park purposes: Lots 1 to 3 and 4 less easterly 20 ft., 5 to 10 and east half of 8 ft. alley all part of Brohl's Subdivision; Lots 19, less easterly 57 ft. and 26, less Quarry all part of Davis Addition; Lots 20 to 40 in Hayward Addition.
70-74 11-23-70 Easement for railroad siding to American-Standard, Inc. to cross Fourth Ave., east of Penn Central Railroad right-of-way in Block 36, Highland Addition.
70-75 12-7-70 Easement to Martha Jane and William Smith, Jr. along west line of Lots 405 to 407 of Heming's Resurvey.
71-22 4-5-71 Purchase of 0.034 acres from Fry Foods, Inc.
71-65 8-23-71 Lease from Henry J. Miller of building for Senior Citizens Recreation Room.
71-68 9-20-71 Lease from Pio Bottom and Louis DeMonte of land on West Davis St. for recreational purposes.
71-13 10-4-71 Easement from Fry Foods, Inc. for sewer purposes.
72-5 4-17-72 Easement for sewer from Charles Robert and Donna Gannon.
72-61 9-18-72 Easement to National Machinery Co. over portion of Greeley St. right of way.
72-13 12-4-72 Accepts proposed deed from Tiffin City School District of property known as "Apple-Jack Park".
73-30 3-19-73 Accepts deed to 831 sq. ft. being part of Outlot 69 in Phillip Wentz's Addition.
73-54 6-4-73 Quit claim deed for Lot 62 in Fiegles' Addition, a part of Lot 10 of Block "R" of the Survey of Lands of Josiah Hedges, and a part of the abandoned portion of Rock Creek.
73-55 6-4-73 Accepts deed for Lot 24 in Hayward's Addition in exchange for a lease to Ohio Outdoor Advertising Corp. of a parcel 20' x 30' located in NW Quarter of Section 17, Clinton Twp., and lying on south side of Tyber Rd.
73-19 12-17-73 Easement to A. O. Shuman for egress and ingress to rear of her property from an alley.
74-10 2-21-74 Authorizes sale of house and garage at intersection of South Sandusky and Ella Sts.
74-44 6-17-74 Authorizes sale of part of Inlot 7 at NE corner of Perry and Monroe Sts.
74-60 9-4-74 Authorizes purchase of 60 feet off the entire east end of Inlot 276 in the First Ward from H. K. Hossler, M. J. Hossler and A. L. Hossler, Jr. for extension of Riverside Dr. between South Washington and South Monroe Sts.
74-77 9-16-74 Appropriates property at 22 South Washington St. and the northerly 19 feet of Lot 6 of G. H. Heming's Resurvey for street purposes.
75-4 4-7-75 Easement with Ohio Power Co. to lay sewer line from Sandusky St. to the NYC Railroad.
75-46 6-16-75 Exchanging real estate with Schoen accepting park on Sunny Lane in Sunny Slope Fourth Addition for 0.32 acre near Sycamore St.
75-48 6-16-75 Accepts deed and authorizes lease to Tiffin Enterprises, Inc.
75-51 6-16-75 Purchase of 8.8 acres from Rosa Oleinberger Estate.
75-60 8-18-75 Sale of 6 ft. of Reserve A in Highland Addition on west side of Jackson St.
75-87 11-17-75 Sale of property formerly known as Falter's Barber Shop on S. Washington St.
76-48 7-6-76 Authorizes purchase of approximately two-thirds of one acre from Mitt Morrow and approximately 2.53 acres from Cletus Halcomb; amends Ord. 75-51.
76-54 7-6-76 Authorizes sale of real property formerly known as Falter's Barber Shop on S. Washington St.
76-82 10-4-76 Appropriating $3,500 for the purpose of negotiating for easements from certain property owners in connection with the Miami St. Storm Sewer Project.
77-53 8-22-77 Lease from Tiffin Publishing Co. and the YMCA of properties at No. 58, 60 and 62 East Market St. for 15 years for off-street parking facilities.
77-112 11-21-77 Authorizing the initiation of legal proceedings for the purpose of acquiring by appropriation easements necessary for the Miami St. Storm Sewer Project.
78-8 2-21-78 Authorizes sale of an apartment house at 110-114 N. Washington St.
78-84 10-16-78 Easement with Anthony and Rosina Gaietto as to the east terminus of Adams St. for street purposes.
79-23 5-7-79 Four-year lease with Franklin Real Estate Co. for free off-street parking at northwest corner of intersection of S. Monroe and Madison Sts.
79-35 6-4-79 Easement with M. J. Brown for sewer purposes.
79-40 6-4-79 Authorizes conveyance of an interest in Lot 10 of the Westgate Subdivision to Donald E. Burner and others.
79-43 6-18-79 Accepts dedication of a sanitary sewer from Circle A, Inc.
80-9 3-3-80 Authorizes purchase of 72 S. Washington St. and 76 S. Washington St. from Commercial National Bank; and 74 S. Washington St. from Carrigan Realty for off-street parking.
80-73 11-3-80 Accepts dedication of a sanitary sewer system from Royal and Betty Bush and accepting easements allowing access to such sewer.
80-87 1-19-81 Easement to Ohio Power Co. for underground utility installations necessary for the Highland Park Tennis Courts.
81-56 8-3-81 Easement to Nancy C. Adams commencing at Wall St. in an alley between Lot 4 of Sheeley's Subdivision and Lot 5 of the 1981 Replat of Lots 792, 793, 794 and 795 of Walker's Addition.
82-52 7-6-82 Authorizes purchase agreement with the YMCA trustees for the former YMCA building.
82-56 7-19-82 Authorizes sale of unused alley running from 299 Miami St. to an alley between Miami St. and Clay St., west of Wall St.
82-94 12-6-82 Authorizes conveyance of quit-claim deed for property in the Sunny Slope Fourth Addition, Fourth Ward, to Leo Schoen.
82-99 12-20-82 Authorizes lease of property known as Riverside Cut through Park to Bd. of Trustees of the Knights of Columbus Home for 5 yrs.
83-24 3-21-83 Grants easement adjacent to Lot 216, Heming Reserve and within right of way of S. Sandusky St. and an intersecting alley with the Third Ward.
83-95 11-21-83 Authorizes easement of 2 in. of right of way of Hancock St. and 6 in. (width) in west boundary of the alley east of Lot 1106, Heilman's Second Addition.
83-106 1-3-84 Authorizes easement within the right of way of Walker St. for the continued use of a residential garage building until it is destroyed.
84-9 4-2-84 Directs quit claim deed to Consolidated Rail Corporation for part of Benner St. west of Sandusky St.
84-41 6-18-84 Directs granting of easement to allow encroachments at 45 Park Ave. to continue in Fourth Ave.
84-74 9-17-84 Directs granting of perpetual easement and right of way for public highway and road purposes.
84-107 11-26-84 Directs making of easement to solve problem involving Inlot 1073, W. C. Hedges Subdivision, Second Ward.
85-70 8-19-85 Accepts grant of easement in Second Ward from General Electric Co.
86-1 2-3-86 Authorizes sale of real estate in Lot 6, Fiege's Addition, First Ward.
86-2 2-3-86 Authorizes easement over part of Lot 5, Fiege's Addition, First Ward to owners of adjacent land.
86-49 8-11-86 Relinquishes right to use the 5 ft. public utility easement crossing Lot 39, Westgate Subdivision.
87-10 3-16-87 Directs deed transferring 0.041 acres at 12 S. Monroe St. to Dennis J. Eberly; reserves easement to maintain the river wall; conveys easement to allow the encroachment in S. Monroe St. right of way. Corrects defects in title of real estate formerly owned by Nelle C. Borden.
87-31 8-17-87 Directs sale by auction of Lot 20, William Hunter's Allotment and directs deed to the successful bidder.
87-36 8-3-87 Directs deed granting a 16 1/2 ft. strip of Hudson St. adjacent to and north of Lots 363 and 396, Heming's Resurvey to Turner-Engle, Inc.
87-40 8-17-87 Directs easement to allow 2 building encroachments upon City real estate and upon a portion of an alley.
88-26 7-5-88 Authorizes drainage easement in Sunny Slope Fourth Addition, Fourth Ward and authorizes improvement for storm sewers in this area.
88-67 11-28-88 Authorizes abandonment of a public crosswalk in the Sunny Slope Subdivision, Fourth Addition, Fourth Ward; reserves easement for access to utilities.
89-43 8-21-89 Authorizes 10-yr. lease of Riverside Cut-Through Park to the Knights of Columbus Home Bd. of Trustees.
90-15 3-19-90 Authorizes conveyance by quitclaim deed of 3 land parcels (158/1000 acre) in the Second Ward to Tiffin University.
90-55 7-16-90 Authorizes agreement with Seneca Industrial and Economic Development Corp. to purchase property for the City.
90-86 12-3-90 Authorizes right-of-way easements for alley in Heilman's Second Addition, Fourth Ward.
91-4 3-5-91 Authorizes sale of parcels of North Star Industrial Park Land.
91-41 7-21-91 Authorizes easement to T. Paradiso in Wentz Addition.
91-105 11-8-91 Authorizes sale of parcels in Northstar Industrial Park; repeals Ord. 91-4.
91-106 11-13-91 Authorizes lease of Lot 11, Preliminary Plat of Northstar Industrial Park.
91-107 11-15-91 Authorizes sale of Lot 11 (3.8273 acres), Preliminary Plat of Northstar Industrial Park.
91-114 12-16-91 Authorizes easement to Ohio Power Co. for an electric distribution system in Northstar Industrial Park.
92-5 3-3-92 Authorizes easement to Inland Corp. for pipeline equipment in Northstar Industrial Park.
92-6 3-3-92 Authorizes easement to Inland Corp. for pipeline installation in Northstar Industrial Park.
92-19 5-4-92 Authorizes sale of Lot 4 (3.1989 acres) Preliminary Plat of Northstar Industrial Park.
92-41 6-1-92 Authorizes lease of Lot 10, preliminary plat of Northstar Industrial Park for 60 days.
92-42 6-16-92 Authorizes sale of Lot 10, preliminary plat of Northstar Industrial Park.
92-59 8-17-92 Authorizes City to obtain property for relocation and reopening of Fourth Ave.
92-60 8-17-92 Authorizes sale of 10 ft. wide land strip from Lot 257, G.H. Heming's Resurvey.
93-41 7-19-93 Authorizes lease with Ohio Power Co. for parking lot on S. Monroe St.
93-51 8-16-93 Authorizes easement for Ohio Bell Telephone Co. for placement of an underground vault at Lot 1, Northstar Industrial Park.
94-14 3-7-94 Executes easement for SW part of Lot 738, Third Ward, and house at 20 Wentz St.
94-15 2-22-94 Executes easement for north 1/2 of Lots 195 and 618, Third Ward, and house at 259 S. Sandusky St.
94-36 6-6-94 Executes and delivers easement to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for gas pipeline near Huss St. Bridge.
94-38 6-6-94 Donates Lot 276, Heming's Resurvey to Tiffin Theatre, Inc.
94-88 11-21-94 Directs granting of easement to J.W. and C.J. Dell for property encroachment for 47 Franklin St.
94-92 12-5-94 Directs granting of easement to T.J. Renninger for encroachment of improvements at 121 Nelson St.
95-19 5-1-95 Authorizes lease of Lot 7, Northstar Industrial Park for 90 days.
95-20 5-1-95 Authorizes sale of Lot 7, Northstar Industrial Park (9.033 acres).
95-22 5-1-95 Authorizes 10-yr. purchase option for Lot 8, Northstar Industrial Park.
95-25 6-5-95 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 2.91 acres, Hopewell Twp. for detention basin, Miami Street Sewer Project.
95-26 6-5-95 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 3.427 acres, Hopewell Twp., for detention basin, Miami Street Sewer Project.
95-27 6-5-95 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 0.427 acres, Third Ward, for detention basin access, Miami Street Sewer Project.
95-28 6-5-95 Authorizes acquiring easement over .096 acres, Hopewell Twp., for detention basin, Miami Street Sewer Project.
95-66 9-25-95 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 0.1121 acres, Second Ward, for right of way for Fourth Ave.
95-67 9-25-95 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 0.0136 acres, Second Ward, for right of way for Fourth Ave.
95-71 9-18-95 Authorizes lease extension of Lot 7, Northstar Industrial Park, for 60 days.
96-2 2-20-96 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 3.231 acres, Hopewell Twp. for detention basin, Miami Street Sewer Project; seller reserves easement over portion of property.
96-1 2-5-96 Directing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to Seneca Sheet Metal Holding Co., Inc., for the encroachment of property located at 82 North Washington Street.
96-11 3-4-96 Authorizes deed acceptance to acquire 4.677 acres for bikepath and/or walkway; subject to easement rights.
96-15 3-18-96 Authorizes acquiring easement over .176 acres owned by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for detention basin access, Miami Street Sewer Project; repeals Ord. 95-28.
96-28 5-20-96 Authorizes acquisition of lease rights for 0.0136 acres, Second Ward, for new Fourth Avenue right of way.
96-71 9-3-96 Directs deed transferring triangular shaped land parcel at rear of 25-25 ½ E. Perry St. to D.J. and N.A. Eberly; reserves easement to maintain river wall.
96-73 9-3-96 Authorizes acquisition of easement rights on land parcel in Hopewell Twp. owned by Tiffin University for storm drainage and piping.
96-76 9-3-96 Authorizes donation of Lot 276 in G.H. Heming's Resurvey to Tiffin Theatre, Inc.
96-81 9-23-96 Authorizes sale of 2 acres in Lot 1, Northstar Industrial Park.
96-101 11-7-96 Authorizes lease of western 2/3rds of Lot 5, Northstar Industrial Park.
96-102 11-13-96 Authorizes sale of 2 acres in Lot 5, Northstar Industrial Park; authorizes easement for sewer purposes.
97-11 2-18-97 Authorizes acceptance of deed for 2 land parcels, Lot 31, Heming's Resurvey (78 and 80 S. Washington St.).
97-12 2-18-97 Authorizes acceptance of deed and first option to repurchase land parcel at 74 S. Washington St.
97-20 3-3-97 Authorizes sale of Lot 1, Northstar Industrial Park.
97-21 2-18-97 Authorizes lease of triangular shaped land parcel (.4391 acres) and the northernmost part of Lot 3, Northstar Industrial Park.
97-22 3-3-97 Authorizes sale of .4391 acres in Lot 3, Northstar Industrial Park to Seneca Industrial and Economic Development Corp.
97-42 7-7-97 Authorizes sale of 0.1211 acres in Hopewell Twp. to D.E. and T.S. Rhoad.
97-71 10-6-97 Authorizes exchange of real property in vacated alley between Lots 49 and 31, Hemings Resurvey, First Ward to/from Tomb & Hering Law Firm and City.
97-73 9-2-97 Authorizes acceptance of and acquisition of various property easements for Gibson Run Sewer Upgrade Project.
98-10 2-23-98 Authorizes acceptance and acquisition of several easements for Sandusky St. and Frost Pkwy. Repair/Replacement Project.
98-15 3-16-98 Authorizes sale of Lot 6, Northstar Industrial Park (3.3849 acres).
98-22 4-9-98 Authorizes deed acceptance of 132.5702 acres in Clinton Twp. for industrial/business park.
98-49 6-15-98 Authorizes purchase agreement and accepts deed to acquire 132.5702 acres in Clinton Twp. with purchase option to grantor, Seneca County; authorizes purchase option for adjacent 0.3358 acres.
98-89 12-7-98 Authorizes deed acceptance and purchase agreement to acquire 6 land parcels at corner of Madison and S. Monroe Sts. (Heming’s Resurvey) from Ohio Power Co.
99-6 2-16-99 Directs grant of easement from City to M. and M. Hoerig for encroachment of property at 380 N. Washington St. onto Grand Ave.
99-77 10-18-99 Authorizes acceptance of deed and purchase agreement for land parcel at NE corner of Seneca County Fairgrounds property.
99-87 10-18-99 Approves City’s lease of store space at 100 S. Washington St. for Celebrate Tiffin Millennium Party.
99-91 10-21-99 Directs 1-yr. lease with ODOT for former State Highway Garage at 621 E. Market St.
00-18 3-9-00 Authorizes deed acceptance for .3358 acres in Clinton Twp. for industrial and/or business park purposes.
00-23 3-9-00 Authorizes sale of Lots 8 and 9, Northstar Industrial Park (5.230 and 6.0682 acres).
00-74 12-4-00 Directs granting easement to G.M. and S.R. Baker for encroachment of 132 W. Perry St. property onto City-owned alley.
00-80 12-18-00 Authorizes deed acceptance and actions to acquire 3 tax parcels of land from State of Ohio in Riverview Addition at 621 E. Market St. (formerly used as ODOT garage).
01-13 3-19-01 Authorizes negotiating sale of parcels in Eagle Rock Park.
01-17 3-26-01 Authorizes deed acceptance and actions to acquire one tax parcel at 95 S. Monroe St. from J. Carrick.
01-42 6-18-01 Directs grant of easement from City to Seneca County Commissioners for encroachment of property at 155 E. Perry St. onto City-owned alley.
01-55 6-20-01 Authorizes sale of 9 acres in Eagle Rock Business Park and grants option to purchase 8 acres of an adjoining lot to American Fine Sinter Co., Ltd.
01-62 7-2-01 Directs grant of easement from City to BP Terminal and others to use Adams. St. r-o-w for underground pipeline.
01-105 1-7-02 Authorizes acceptance of easement and acquiring easement for storm water drainage of Eagle Rock Business Park.
01-109 1-21-02 Authorizes accepting easements for widening of alley behind Apple St. along Lots 1001-1003, Levi Davis Estate Addition in 2nd Ward of City.
02-21 4-15-02 Authorizes acquisition of easement rights from J. and R. Repp, trustees for land in Clinton Twp., for storm sewer drainage improvement.
02-37 6-3-02 Authorizes sale of 1 acre in Eagle Rock Business Park to Fry Foods for exchange with American Electric Power Co.
02-47 6-17-02 Authorizes accepting/acquiring easements for sanitary sewer along Sycamore St.
02-55 7-22-02 Authorizes accepting/acquiring easements for background sampling wells near City’s landfill property.
02-67 9-23-02 Directs grant of easement from City to J. Laughlin for encroachment of property at 41 Front St. onto Front St.
02-72 10-21-02 Authorizes lease of 28 acres in Eagle Rock Business Park to Toledo Molding & Die, Inc.
Sub. Ord.
02-73 11-18-02 Authorizes sale of 29.521 acres in Eagle Rock Business Park to Industrial Properties I Ltd.
03-3 1-16-03 Directs granting r-o-w and easement rights to Ohio Power Co. at Eagle Rock Business Park.
03-4 2-3-03 Accepts easements and license agreements from various property owners for Phase I Combined Sewer Separation Project.
03-20 3-17-03 Directs granting easement rights to Ohio Bell Co. dba SBC Ameritech at Eagle Rock Business Park.
03-24 4-7-03 Authorizes lease of part of Eagle Rock Business Park to R. Crum for farming purposes.
03-50 9-15-03 Authorizes sale of 5 acres in Eagle Rock Business Park to Tiffin Ventures, Ltd.; grants option to purchase additional acres.
04-4 1-19-04 Directs grant of easement from City to Seneca Sheet Metal Holding Co., Inc. for encroachment of property at corner of Harrison and Water Sts. onto those streets.
04-15 3-15-04 Directs grant of easement rights to Ohio Power Co. at Eagle Rock Business Park.
04-83 12-20-04 Authorizes accepting sanitary sewer easement from R Investments LLC on land parcel in Hopewell Twp.
05-23 5-16-05 Authorizes sale of portion of Lot 3, Northstar Industrial Park (0.791 acres).
05-24 5-16-05 Authorizes sale of portion of Lot 3, Northstar Industrial Park (2.327 acres).
05-30 6-20-05 Authorizes accepting easement for widening of Shaffer Park Dr. entrance from W. Market St. in Third Ward.
05-36 7-18-05 Authorizes accepting easement for sewer purposes from N. Sandusky St. to City’s Sewer Plant property in Second Ward.
05-65 1-16-06 Authorizes accepting sanitary sewer easement from Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust on land parcel adjoining State Route 18.
05-71 1-16-06 Directs grant of easement from City to Tiffin Westgate Ltd. to permit construction/use of entranceway for T.J. Willie’s Restaurant in public r-o-w of Oakwood Dr.
06-5 2-6-06 Authorizes accepting storm sewer easement from Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust on land parcel adjoining State Route 18.
06-17 3-20-06 Authorizes accepting assignment of sanitary sewer easement from VH1 Properties, LLC on land parcel owned by Christ’s Church of Tiffin.
06-46 8-14-06 Authorizes sale of Lot 12, Northstar Industrial Park.
07-13 2-20-07 Directs grant of easement from City to BBB Properties Ltd. for encroachment of property at 542 and 544 Circular St. onto Circular St. and adjacent City-owned alley.
07-40 6-4-07 Authorizes the Mayor to accept easements and to take all other actions necessary to acquire easements for monitoring near the City’s landfill property.
07-65 11-19-07 Authorizes the lease of a portion of the Eagle Rock Business Park to Ronald Crum for farming purposes.
08-3 2-5-08 Authorizes the sale of a portion of Lot 5 in Northstar Industrial Park.
08-24 6-2-08 Authorizes the Mayor to take all actions necessary to acquire from the Salvation Army three tax parcels of land at 45 S. Monroe St.
09-2 1-5-09 Accepts the deed and takes all other actions necessary including executing a purchase agreement to acquire from Sandra L. Deckler one tax parcel of land in the Fourth Ward of the City on Front Street.
09-3 1-5-09 Accepts the deed and takes all other actions necessary including executing a purchase agreement to acquire from the estate of Richard J. Dryfuse on tax parcel of land in the Fourth Ward of the City at 14 Madison Street.
09-22 4-20-09 Accepts the deed and takes all other actions necessary to acquire from Tiffin University property to construct a cul-de-sac on Jackson Street.
10-4 1-18-10 Authorizes the sale of 14 Madison Street and an adjacent lot for $31,500. to the Seneca County Courthouse & Downtown Redevelopment Group.
11-48 8-15-11 Accepts easements and takes all other actions necessary to acquire easements, and where applicable release existing easements, for the Rock Creek Interceptor Project.
11-49 8-15-11 Accepts a deed and a temporary easement to acquire from Heidelberg University property to construct improvements on Greenfield Street.
11-58 10-3-11 Authorizes the Mayor to accept a deed and grant an easement for the benefit of the Hedges-Boyer Park.
12-63 9-17-12 Lease of a portion of the Eagle Rock Business Park for farming purposes.
13-14 4-1-13 Accepting the assignment of a real estate purchase agreement from Seneca Industrial & Economic Development Corporation to purchase the real estate at 25 E. Market Street.
13-32 6-17-13 Authorizing the sale of approximately 7 acres of land in Eagle Rock Business Park at $15,000.00 per acre to American Fine Sinter, Co., Ltd.
14-74 8-4-14 Authorizing the sale of a portion of real estate at 45 S. Monroe Street to Tong’s Real Estate, Ltd.
14-81 9-15-14 Authorizing the sale of a portion of real estate at 45 S. Monroe Street to David Kreais.
14-104 12-1-14 Authorizing the sale of approximately 1.111 acres of land in Eagle Rock Business Park at $15,000.00 per acre to American Fine Sinter, Co., Ltd., or its designee.
16-5 2-1-16 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a deed to acquire property commonly known as 20-22 S. Washington Street from CK Seneca Enterprises, LLC.
16-51 9-1-16 Authorizing the Mayor to accept, sign and deliver deeds, and take all other actions necessary to exchange real property with the Seneca County Agricultural Society.
16-59 9-12-16 Authorizing the sale of Lot 2 in the Northstar Industrial Park, being 4.247 acres of land, more or less for $59,458.
17-50 7-17-17 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deed and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property from Sharon Elizabeth Kinn Kadyszewski, Jane Ann Kinn Davis, and Stephen Martin Kinn to construct a street and incidental purposes thereto in the Third Ward of the City.
16-83 12-19-16 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deed and take all other actions necessary to acquire property from Heidelberg University to construct a New Rebecca Street Bridge.
17-51 7-24-17 Authorizing the sale of approximately 12.484 acres of land in Eagle Rock Business Park at $15,000.00 per acre, net of road right-of-ways, to Development Solutions, LLC.
16-60 9-12-16 Authorizing Mayor to lease Lot (2) in Northstar Industrial Park for one dollar to Arnold Machine, Inc.
17-76 11-6-17 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deeds to acquire property adjacent to Fair Lane and near Progress Parkway.
17-79 11-20-17 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deeds to acquire property for the street to be called Progress Parkway.
17-86 12-4-17 Authorizing the transfer of a strip of real property, approximately 15 to 18 inches wide, along the northern boundary of 45 S. Monroe Street to Tong’s Properties, Ltd. or its designee.
18-5 2-22-18 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a lease of a portion of Eagle Rock Business Park for farming purposes.
18-50 9-5-18 Authorizing the sale of real estate adjacent to the Sandusky River on E. Market Street and at the northwest corner of S. Monroe and Madison Streets commonly known as City Parking Lots 4 and 6 and adjacent property.
19-54 8-19-19 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a deed transferring vacated portion of original Sarah Street to Heidelberg University.
19-60 9-16-19 Authorizing the Mayor to accept temporary and permanent easements for sewer and highway improvements and purposes in connection with the SR 18 Transportation Alternatives (East Market Street and East Perry Street Streetscape) Project.
19-61 9-16-19 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes to serve the Tiffin Mall and other properties in front of the Tiffin Mall on West Market Street.
19-64 10-7-19 Authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to Columbia Gas of Ohio for a gas line to serve properties on East Perry Street and South Monroe Street.
20-10 3-2-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deed and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property from Heidelberg University to construct improvements to East Market and East Perry Streets for the Railroad Safety Improvement Project.
20-13 3-2-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept deed and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property from Aqua Ohio, Inc. to construct sidewalks along the Ella Street Canal Bridge.
20-35 4-20-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement for the construction of a cul-de-sac on South River Road.
20-44 4-6-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire easement rights from Aqua Ohio, Inc. to construct, maintain, repair, replace and use a bridge and a sidewalk on and along the Ella Street Canal.
20-46 5-4-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept permanent easements for sanitary sewer and detention pond purposes to serve properties at or near 2300 West Market Street.
20-58 6-18-20 Approving a six month extension of deadlines and requirements contained in the City’s real estate purchase agreement with Tiffin River Front Development, LLC.
20-84 8-23-20 Authorizing and directing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City of Tiffin, Ohio to Ohio Power Company or related company for an electric line and facilities at the City’s Water Pollution Control Center.
20-111 11-16-20 Authorizing the Mayor to make application, accept a deed, and take all other actions necessary to acquire the real property located at 43 W. Market Street, from the Seneca County Land Revitalization Corporation and to convey said real property to the Seneca County Industrial & Economic Development Corporation aka Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership.
20-113 11-16-20 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement and right-of-way for public road and highway purposes along Tyber Road and Shawhan Avenue.
20-128 1-4-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement for sanitary sewer purposes from Seneca Assets, LLC on two parcels of land on Ella Street.
20-136 12-7-20 Authorizing and directing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to Ohio Power Company or related company for electric lines and facilities to the City’s electric vehicle charging station in City Parking Lot #7 in Downtown Tiffin.
20-139 1-21-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement from Imperterritum LLC on 258 Progress Parkway for storm sewer purposes.
21-10 2-1-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property rights from Heidelberg University to construct improvements to East Market and East Perry Streets for the Railroad Safety Improvement Project.
21-25 4-5-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement for sanitary sewer purposes from Morton Properties, LLC on six parcels of land on Lewis and Greely Streets.
21-28 4-5-21 Authorizing and directing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for a gas line to serve properties on Progress Parkway.
21-41 6-7-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement from TMP 447, LLC and/or Tiffin Metal Investments, LLC or current property owner on or near 401 and 447 Wall Street for storm sewer purposes.
21-52 7-19-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement from LSCS Inc. or current property owner at 60 Heritage Drive for storm sewer purposes.
21-55 6-28-21 Approving a second addendum to a real estate purchase agreement with Tiffin River Front Development LLC to sell City real property under certain terms and conditions.
21-71 8-2-21 Authorizing Mayor to lease a parcel of approximately 12.318 acres in Eagle Rock Business Park for one dollar and other consideration to Development Solutions, LLC or its designee, for the purpose of immediate occupancy thereof.
21-72 9-7-21 Authorizing the sale of 12.318 acres, more or less, of land in Eagle Rock Business Park, net of road right-of-ways, and granting an option to purchase an additonal adjacent 8.732 acres, more or less, to Development Solutions, LLC or its designee as approved by the Mayor.
21-85 10-18-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept permanent easements from Development Solutions, LLC or reserve permanent easements upon transfer of property to Development Solutions, LLC for drainage and sanitary sewer purposes along Maule Road (County Road 11) in Eagle Rock Business Park.
21-87 10-4-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a deed and an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire property by deed and easement from Tommy C. Alley located at 149 Ella Street to construct the new Ella Street River Bridge.
21-88 10-18-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a deed and an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire property by deed and easement from Joseph L. Ranker located at 152 Martha Street to construct the new Ella Street River Bridge.
21-93 11-1-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a temporary easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire property rights by temporary easement from Roger A. Drake located at 145 Ella Street to construct the new Ella Street River Bridge.
21-96 11-15-21 Approving a First Amendment to the joint use, management and lease agreement with Seneca County of the Joint Justice Center.
21-103 11-1-21 Authorizing the Mayor to sign an extension of a lease of approximately 12.318 acres of land in Eagle Rock Business Park to Development Solutions, LLC.
21-104 11-1-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept permanent easements from Store Master Funding XIV LLC for sanitary sewer purposes along Maule Road (County Road 11) in Eagle Rock Business Park.
21-111 11-15-21 Confirming the real estate purchase agreement per Ord. 18-50 is null and void, and declaring.
21-113 12-6-24 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement from R & L Zeis Family Partnership III, LTD., for sanitary sewer purposes running from Euclid Avenue in the Third Ward.
21-121 12-20-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a deed and temporary easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire property by deed and easement from the Board of Education of the Tiffin City School District AKA Tiffin City Board of Education to construct the New Ella Street River Bridge.
21-122 12-20-21 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a deed and an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire property by a deed and a temporary easement from Aqua Ohio, Inc., FKA Ohio-American Water Company to construct the New Ella Street River Bridge.
22-1 1-4-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property rights from Heidelberg University to construct repairs and improvements to the Rock Creek Wall.
22-8 1-18-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a license and an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property rights from R Investments LLC on property located along S. River Road along the Sandusky River to remove, mow, and treat with herbicides, trees and vegetation and use and develop improvements on the property to provide the public with a scenic access to the Sandusky River along a multi-use trail in the City.
22-15 2-7-22 Authorizing the conveyance of property to ZRB Brewers LLC or its designee adjacent to 190 S. Washington Street.
22-23 3-7-22 Authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to the Protestant Episcopal Church known as Trinity Church and also known as Old Trinity Church for an encroachment on City property at 125 E. Market Street.
22-34 4-18-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement for sanitary sewer purposes from AAI Leasing, LLC on four parcels of land off of Elwood and Davis Streets.
22-35 4-18-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement for sanitary sewer and storm water drainage purposes from R&L Zeis Family Partnership III LTD., on land on Euclid Avenue.
22-94 10-17-22 Authorizing the Mayor to accept an easement and take all other actions necessary to acquire real property rights from Heidelberg University to construct, use, and maintain a Storm Water Sewer along Rebecca Street.
22-117 12-5-22 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a lease of a portion of Eagle Rock Business Park for farming purposes.
23-16 3-20-23 Authorizing the Mayor to accept easements and licenses for sanitary sewer purposes for the Home Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) Elimination Project.
23-17 3-20-23 Authorizing the Mayor to accept permanent easement from R&L Zeis Family Partnership III, LTD., for sanitary and storm sewer purposes in the Fairview Hill Condominium Development on Euclid Avenue in the Third Ward.
23-40 7-3-23 Authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement from the City to Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for a gas line to serve properties on Fourth Avenue at Wall Street.
23-45 7-3-23 Authorizing the sale of Lot #3 (4.908 acres, more or less) of Eagle Rock North Subdivision Plat in Eagle Rock Business Park and granting an option to purchase Lot #2 (8.732 acres, more or less) to AFLP LLC or its designee.
23-77 11-6-23 Authorizing the Mayor to accept a permanent easement from AFLP 1150 Maule Road LLC or current property owner at 1150 Maule Road for storm sewer purposes.
23-100 12-18-23 Authorizing the Mayor to accept easements and take all other actions necessary to acquire easements for collecting water samples near the City’s Landfill property.