(a) (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (a) was repealed by Ordinance 20-137, passed February 16, 2021.)
(b) Maintenance: Fences shall be kept in proper repair and maintained so as not to create conditions which endanger the health, comfort, or safety of the public.
(c) Permits: No fence or wall shall be erected or constructed until a fence permit has been issued by the Zoning Inspector who shall review each request to determine its compliance with this Chapter. Each property owner shall determine property lines and ascertain that the fence or wall does not encroach upon another lot or parcel of land.
(Ord. 2305. Passed 12-21-65.)
(e) Fences, hedges, and walls may be constructed to a maximum height of six feet (6') in any required side or rear yard and to a height of three feet (3') in any required yard abutting a street. Fences, hedges, and walls may be constructed to a maximum height of six feet (6') along any line where an existing non-conforming dwelling may be extended.
(Ord. 20-137. Passed 2-16-21.)
(f) Fences or walls required to surround and enclose public utility installations are not limited in height in any district.