(A)   Proceedings for the making of local public improvements within the village, and the determination that the whole or any part of the expense thereof shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the property especially benefitted, provided that all special assessments levied shall be in proportion to the benefits derived from the improvements, may be commenced by resolution of the Village Council, with or without a petition.
   (B)    Local public improvements may be initiated by petition signed by property owners owning 65% or more of the total property in the proposed special assessment district. Such petition shall contain a brief description of the property owned by the respective signers thereof and, if it shall appear that the petition is signed by at least 65% of said owners, the Village Clerk shall certify the same to the Village Council. The petition shall be addressed to the Village Council but the Village Council shall not be obligated to make the improvement.
(Ord. 156, passed 5-19-2004)