No person shall promote, conduct, operate or maintain any carnival, circus, fair, freak show or tent show in any public street, alley or other public place, nor shall any person promote, conduct, operate or maintain the same in any private place without license from the Village Clerk.
(Ord. 110, passed 5-13-1992) Penalty, see § 112.99
No person shall go from house to house or place to place within the village for the purpose of taking photographic portraits or soliciting orders therefor, or for the purpose of selling or taking orders for magazines, without a license.
(Ord. 110, passed 5-13-1992) Penalty, see § 112.99
(A) Any person or persons, partnership or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter is responsible for a municipal civil infraction, subject to payment of a civil fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500, plus costs and other sanctions, for each infraction.
(B) Repeat offenses shall be subject to an increased civil fine as follows:
(1) The fine for any offense which is a first repeat offense shall be not less than $250, plus costs and other sanctions; and
(2) The fine for any offense which is a second repeat offense or any subsequent repeat offense shall be not less than $500, plus costs and other sanctions.
(D) Each day on which any violation of those sections continues constitutes a separate offense and shall be subject to penalties or sanctions as a separate offense.
(Ord. 110, passed 5-13-1992; Ord. 119, passed 4-12-1995)