§ 32.16 SICK LEAVE.
   (A)   (1)   An employee of the town, to qualify for sick leave benefits and payments, must work for at least one year to qualify. Sick leave may then be taken for the personal illness or injury of the employee only.
      (2)   Pay for such sick leave shall be granted on the following basis.
         (a)   Any employee working for the town more than one and less than five years shall receive a maximum of ten days’ sick leave pay at 100% of his or her normal pay.
         (b)   Any employee working for the town more than five years and less than ten years shall receive the first ten days of sick leave the amount of 100% of his or her regular pay and for the next 15 days shall receive 50% of his or her regular pay.
         (c)   Any employee working for the town more than ten and less than 20 years shall receive 100% of his or her normal pay for the first ten days of sick leave and shall receive 50% of his or her normal pay for the next 40 days.
         (d)   Any employee working for the town in excess of 20 years shall receive 100% of his or her normal pay for the first ten days of sick leave and shall receive 50% of his or her normal pay for the next 90 days.
   (B)   Any sick leave granted, other than that provided for in division (A) above, shall be without pay. The employee is expected to notify his or her immediate superior as soon as possible of his or her absence due to illness.
   (C)   Any illness exceeding three days may require a doctor’s slip at the discretion of the Town Council establishing such illness, the probable time of treatment and recovery.
   (D)   The Town Council will, for any legitimate illness or sickness of the employee, grant combined paid and unpaid sick leave up to six months. Beyond the six-month period, the Town Council reserves the right to terminate employment at the will of the Council.
(1995 Code, § 2-107)