(A)   Travel defined. Travel, for purposes of this policy, shall be defined as traveling more than 20 miles outside the town limits on official town business, as authorized and directed by the Town Council.
   (B)   Travel authorization. All travel shall be pre-approved by the Town Council.
   (C)   Mileage reimbursement. Town officials and town employees traveling on official town business shall be reimbursed for mileage actually traveled in transportation furnished by the official's or employee's own vehicle at the federal reimbursement rate in effect when the travel occurs. Mileage incurred during the official's or employee's commute to or from their typical place of employment is not reimbursable under this policy. If more than one employee or official travels in the same vehicle, only one reimbursement for mileage is permitted. Even if a town-owned vehicle is available, the preferred method of travel is for the official or employee to use his or her own vehicle to travel on official town business.
   (D)   Reimbursement for meal and incidental expenses. Officials and employees traveling on official town business may claim reimbursement for actual expenses incurred by submitting to the Clerk/Treasurer itemized receipts for their meals, tax on meals, gratuities, and other incidental expenses including taxi fees, parking and toll booth expenses. The maximum amount for reimbursement for meals, tax on meals and gratuities shall be ten dollars for breakfast, $15 for lunch and $25 for dinner. If meals are provided as part of conference registration fees, officials and employees attending conferences shall not be allowed reimbursement for meal expenses incurred during the conference. All claims for reimbursement for meals, tax on meals, gratuities and incidental expenses must be made on the proper form and submitted to the Clerk/Treasurer.
   (E)   Lodging. Officials and employees traveling on official town business may claim reimbursement for overnight lodging by submitting to the Clerk/Treasurer their paid receipt from the hotel. No reimbursement shall be made for other charges incurred during the overnight lodging, such as, but not limited to, phone calls, movies, room service, laundry, etc. Lodging expenses for travel requiring only one overnight stay shall only be allowed where the travel destination is 50 miles or further from the official's or employee's residence.
(Ord. 2018-7, passed 11-19-18)