A.   Interfering With Fire Department; Drivers:
      1.   No person shall enter or be allowed to enter the fire station unless accompanied by a member of the department. No person not a member of the department shall use any of the fire apparatus at fires or otherwise, unless acting under orders of the officer of the Fire Department in charge of the fire, nor shall any person interfere in any way with the department or any member of the department in the performance of its, or his, duty.
      2.   Upon hearing a fire alarm, all drivers of vehicles shall take due warning and upon approach of fire apparatus, shall move promptly to the right curb and stop, in order to leave the middle of the street clear for passage of the fire apparatus. Vehicles shall not follow fire apparatus nearer than one full block and shall not proceed to any point within one full block of the fire. This subsection shall not apply to those vehicles driven by members of the department proceeding to the fire for the purpose of assistance in its extinguishment. No vehicle shall be parked within fifteen feet (15') of any fire hydrant or before the entrance of any theater, hall or other building in which large assemblages are held, and no vehicle shall be driven over any fire hose or other firefighting apparatus.
   B.   Lending Firefighting Apparatus: Firefighting apparatus and other Town property in the charge of the department, shall not be loaned or rented except by permission of the Chief of the Department and the Mayor; provided, that such equipment may be used for Municipal purposes if a department member is present.
   C.   False Fire Alarm: No person shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire except those for test purposes given or caused to be given by the Chief of the department. No person shall interfere with any part of the fire alarm system, unless authorized to do so by the Chief.
(Ord. 152, 9-14-1987)