A.   Required: Every person, partnership, corporation or other entity in charge or control of any building or lot of land within the Town fronting or abutting any sidewalk within the Municipal limits of the Town shall keep such sidewalk free from snow, ice, encroachments or other obstructions which impede the normal flow of pedestrians along such sidewalk. Snow and ice shall be removed within twenty four (24) hours after the cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain, which creates an ice covered surface on a sidewalk.
   B.   Abrasives: In the event that snow and ice on a sidewalk have become so hard that they cannot be removed without the likelihood of damage to a sidewalk, the person or entity charged with the removal of such snow or ice, within the time mentioned in subsection A of this section, shall cause enough sand or other abrasive to be put on the sidewalk to make travel thereon reasonably safe; and shall then, as soon thereafter as weather permits, cause such sidewalk to be thoroughly cleaned.
(1982 Code § 11.01.020)