§ 33.01 IN GENERAL.
   (A)   The Town Manager shall be the purchasing agent for the town. No purchase or contract for services of any kind or description, payment for which is to be made from funds of the town, shall be made by the purchasing agent, or any officer, employee or agent of the town, except in the manner set forth in this chapter, and unless the purchase is in accordance with the adopted town budget.
   (B)   (1)   Under $1,000. Whenever any contemplated purchase or contract for services is for the sum of less than $1,000, the purchasing agent may order the item as needed without further formality.
      (2)   $1,000 to $4,999 inclusive. Whenever any contemplated purchase or contract for services is for the sum of at least $1,000 but not more than $4,999, the purchasing agent shall solicit at least three bids for the item or service. The solicitation may be orally obtained by him or her, and he or she may then award the purchase or contract of service to the lowest responsible bidder.
      (3)   $5,000 to $14,999 inclusive. Whenever any contemplated purchase or contract for services is for the sum of more than $5,000 but less than $14,999, the purchasing agent shall solicit at least three written bids for the item or service on bid forms and award the purchase or contract of services to the lowest responsible bidder.
      (4)   $15,000 and over. Whenever any contemplated purchase or contract for services, except for professional services as defined in § 33.08, is for the sum of $15,000 or more, the purchasing agent shall cause to be published in two issues of a newspaper of general circulation, a notice inviting bids, which notice shall be published at least five days prior to the date set for the receipt of the bids. The notice herein required shall include a general description of the articles to be purchased or services to be performed and the time and place for opening bids. In addition, the purchasing agent shall post a notice inviting bids in the Town Hall and may also mail to responsible prospective suppliers a copy of the notice inserted in the newspaper.
      (5)   No contract of $15,000 or more shall be let except by the Council. Whenever any contemplated purchase or contract for services is for the sum of $15,000 or more, the purchasing agent shall present the bids to the Council for approval and advise the Council of the advantages or disadvantages of contract and bid proposals.
(1991 Code, § 3-4-1) (Ord. 126-2004, passed 2-17-2004)