§ 94.22 BOND.
   (A)   The Village Building Official, or his or her designate, may require a bond from the applicant or property owner to assure compliance with the permit and conditions imposed under this subchapter. The bond may be up to twice the estimated cost of the village to construct that portion of the driveway improvements located within the right-of-way.
   (B)   The purpose of the bond shall be to assure completion of the portions of the driveway and curbs within the public right-of-way, and proper grading and adherence to driveway specifications. It is not the intent of the bond to assure completion of a driveway project that involves construction, relocation or extension only upon private property.
(`76 Code, § 903.08) (Ord. 10-2-1992, passed 12-17-92)