For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUSINESS USE. Means that use of a driveway is in conformity with the uses permitted in business districts of the village Zoning Code.
   DRIVEWAY. Improved areas on private and public property designed and designated for the accommodation of motor vehicles to be driven from or onto a public street and to, from, or over private property. It includes the improvement on both public and private property, including the curb cut and driveway apron and any such areas designed for parking of motor vehicles.
   NORMAL RESIDENTIAL USE. Means that use of a driveway is in conformance with the uses permitted in residence districts as defined in the village Zoning Code.
(`76 Code, § 903.02) (Ord. 10-2-1992, passed 12-17-92)