§ 94.15 PURPOSE.
   The Village Council recognizes that occupants of real estate generally should be able to obtain access to a public right-of-way which adjoins such real estate. However, Council has also determined that construction of driveways for motor vehicles may alter surface water drainage, interfere with traffic flow on the public right-of-way, detract from acceptable aesthetics in an area, present safety concerns for pedestrians and motor vehicles, be inconsistent with signs, utilities and other items of the public service infrastructure or pose obstacles for emergency vehicles, such as police, fire or paramedic units. Therefore the Village Council has determined that there is a need to balance the general right of access to public rights-of-way with protection of the health, safety and welfare of persons and property.
(`76 Code, § 903.01) (Ord. 10-2-1992, passed 12-17-92)