(A)   No person shall knowingly violate any provision of the State Fire Code or any order made pursuant to it.
(R.C. § 3737.51(A))
   (B)   Except as a violation of R.C. § 2923.17, regarding the felonies of unlawful possession of a dangerous ordnance and illegal manufacture or processing of explosives, involves subject matter covered by the State Fire Code, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(R.C. § 3737.99(B))
   (C) No person shall fail to comply with the fire prevention measures or fire protection activities as prescribed in the Ohio Fire Code, or fail to obtain a permit or license for the various uses or activities as required by such Code, or fail to comply with the Municipal application and plan submission and processing requirements, including payment of the fees designated therefor. Whoever violates this division (C) is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(`76 Code, §§ 1501.05, 1501.99(a)(1), (a)(2)) (Ord. 16-1979, passed 7-10-79)
Statutory reference:
   Fire Code violations, see R.C. §§~ 3737.41 et seq.
   Ohio Fire Code, see O.A.C. Chapter 1301:7